Welcome again all Friends of Mountmellick Embroidery and Heritage Museum to week fifteen in our series of articles on our Museum or an element of local History. Again our thoughts and best wishes are with you all and your families, there is little need to remind anyone that we are still in challenging times and the future is still unsettled and uncertain. We know by the readership figures and very positive feedback that you enjoyed the article published last week on Mary Miller a local girl who was transported to Australia from the local workhouse during the tragic famine period, as relayed by her Great Great Great Granddaughter Lou Walsh. Please feel free to share this article or any of the previous articles with any of your friends who may be interested. In next week’s article we will bring to you with beautiful photo’s the story behind Mountmellick Yarn Bombing who each year have been cascading the town in brightly coloured knitted and crochet creations. A sample photo of their work is enclosed with this week’s article.
In relation to our Embroidery Museum we are actively planning for its reopening, but our overriding concern for both our staff and visitors forces us to be cautious and to postpone any imminent opening until we are safely able to do so. We will of course keep you posted on developments on both our MDA and Embroidery Facebook sites as to progress. If you have followed the variety of articles published since we commenced this initiative you will no doubt have noted the wide range of topics which we have covered to date, these in themselves are reflective of the significant history and growth of Mountmellick, its trials and tribulations, key individuals and events which shaped so much of its history over the last five hundred years. We would encourage all individuals to come visit our Museum in the future, take a walk around the town, visit many of the places of historical interest mentioned in the various articles published to date, meet the very friendly local people who will be very happy to assist you if they can. We would love to hear more stories from our readership particularly personal histories associated with either our Museum or Mountmellick in general or concerning individuals long departed who have left a story of interest behind. In that vein this week’s article by local fountain of knowledge Ger Lynch a member of our MDA Board and Museum committee’s takes us back one hundred years to remember the ultimate sacrifice made by one hundred local men (that we know off) in the “war to end all wars” from 1914 to 1918, another tragic period in our history.
For now, keep well, stay safe, tune in next week.
It’s over to you Ger.
Ann Dowling
Chair Museum and Heritage Committee
When Kevin Myers launched Tom Phelans book the Canal Bridge in the MDA in 2005 he mentioned that he had seen a document that listed 54 men from Mountmellick as been killed in the Great War (1914-1918). This amazed us because none of those in attendance except perhaps those who had relatives who were killed were able to name even one man who died in the conflict. As 2014, the one hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the Great War approached it was discussed at a meeting of the Museum Committee and it was decided to form a committee, consisting of some members of the Museum Committee and some members of the public who were interested in the subject. After giving public notice of this, a committee to research and commemorate the men who died in the 1914-18 war was formed.
After a short time as the list of names was building, it was decided in order to do justice to those who served and in particular to those who died it would be necessary to erect a monument in their honour.
It was decided in order to qualify to be named on the monument a soldier must have,
- been from the Church of Ireland Parish which took in Mountmellick, Coolbanagher and Rosenallis, or the Catholic Parish which took in, Mountmellick and Clonaghadoo.
- Must have been born on Mountmellick or have resided there at the time of enlistment.
On our monument we have the names of 100 men who lost their lives in the conflict and who met these criteria. 84 of these men were from the town of Mountmellick. The 100 men whose names are inscribed on the monument fought on land, sea and in the air. They represented 4 different armies, British, Canadian, Australian and Indian. They represented 33 different units of the Allied Forces.
Number of dead by Military Unit
Leinster Regiment 34 East Yorkshire Regiment 1
Irish Guards 12 Royal Enniskillen Fusiliers 1
Connaught Rangers 6 First Brahmans (Indian Army) 1
Royal Dublin Fusiliers 6 Royal Field Artillery 1
Royal Engineers 3 Labour Corps. 1
Royal Irish Fusiliers 3 East Lancashire regiment 1
Canadian Infantry 2 Highland Light Infantry 1
South Lancashire Regiment 2 Middlesex Regiment 1
South Irish Horse 2 Royal Munster Fusiliers 1
Royal Airforce 1 King’s Royal rifles 1
Blackwatch Royal Highlanders 1 Royal Navy 1
Royal Irish Regiment 3 Australian Army 1
London Regiment 1 Scots Guards 1
Machine Gun Corps 1 Oxford and Bucks 2
Royal Garrison Artillery 3 Tenth Prince of Wales Hussars
Duke Of Wellington Reg. 1 Royal Fusiliers 1
First Armoured Tank Corp. 1
What drove or enticed those who enlisted to fight in the war?
In order to answer this question we must first look at the circumstances which prevailed in the town at the time. By the year 1914 Mountmellick had lost its industrial base there was widespread unemployment and poverty the gap between the ‘have’ and the ‘have nots’ had widened.
The town has a good commercial base with three main trading establishments, Pim’s Smith’s and William Mcevoy’s and a large number of shops and small enterprises. This along with the Maltings were not capable of supplying employment to sustain the population which stood at 2,341. A big reduction to what it was in 1841 at 4,755 approx. It was against this backdrop that the call for volunteers was heard in Mountmellick. This response was made in different ways by various groups and was as follows,
- A good number of Mountmellick people were in the British Army at the time, and were sent out to the conflict straight away. Those who were in the reserve were sent out after refresher training.
- Loyalists in the town welcomed the opportunity to serve King and Country.
- Married men saw the army pay as an opportunity to properly provide for their family.
- Young men who saw it as an adventure and their greatest fear was it would was that it would be over by the time they got there. Some of these men lied about their age in order to enlist.
- Men who followed John Redmond’s Home Rule Movement and believed in the promise that they would be given Home Rule when the war was over.
- Those who succumbed to the devious and well directed propaganda campaign run by the British Army and Government.
There was a seventh group who believed that their energies were better directed in trying to achieve a Republic, especially in a time of English difficulty. This group was to successfully oppose conscription, which the British Government sought to impose in 1918. Their actions prevented our death toll in the First World War from exceeding 100.
We would estimate that over 700 men must have enlisted from the Greater Mountmellick area. !00 of these were never to return. They are buried in graves close to where they fell. The War Graves Association interred their bodies in cemeteries which were located near the battlefields, with a headstone erected for each soldier. For those soldiers whose bodies could not be recovered, their names and details were inscribed on the memorials all over Europe. Located near the site of major battles. The Menin Gate located near the battle site at Ypres and Passchendaele is the most famous of these memorials. These graves and memorials are being kept and maintained by the War Graves Association. Our list of the dead records a number of brothers who were lost in the conflict.
- Flanagnan: Daniel, Joseph, John, Patrick and William. They were all either brother or half-brothers, all were killed.
- Pielow: Four brothers served, two were killed, William and Samuel Edward.
- Sheas: Four brothers served, two were killed, Thomas and James.
- Dempsters: Two served, both were killed, James Dean and William Stratton.
- Miller: Two served, both were killed, Robert Gratton and Samuel Arthur.
- John Thomas Smith and James Kivas Tully were brother in laws. Both were killed. Tully was married to Sheila Smith and he was he was a recipient of the Trinity Gold medal for Mathematics.
- Michael Ryan and Thomas Webster were brothers, they were both killed.
- John Newell and his son Joe both served. John was killed in action on the 20th of June 1915. Joe survived as a well known figure in the town for years.
James Dowling of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers was the first Mountmellick man to die. He was killed in action on the 27th of August 1914. James Scott of Chapel Street, Leinster Regiment was the last Mountmellick man to die. He was killed in action on the 14th of October 1918.
There are lots of stories that we have found out about a lot of these men. If any relative has more information we would be glad to hear from them. I will relate a brief account of the stories of a few of these men.
William Byrne: Son of Patrick Byrne, RIC Inspector, and his wife Teresa. William served with the 2nd Leinster Regiment, he was wounded at Guillemont on the 3rd of September 1916. He was invalided home. On recovery, after a long stay in hospital he joined the Royal Airforce and returned to the war. He died on the 18th of August 1918.
John Comerford: John came from Pilltown, Co Kilkenny. He was killed in action in Messopotamia in the 17th of February 1917. Shortly before the war he married his girlfriend and came to live in Manor Lane Mountmellick. When he left for the war his wife was pregnant, he never saw his son but because of him a lot of Comerfords live in Mountmellick today.
William Heuston Byrne: He was a brother of the postmaster in Mountmellick. He was working with the London Telephone Service and joined the London Regiment and was killed on the 11th day of March 1915.
Henry Coss: Henry was one of the young men who could not wait to get involved, he was underage when he attempted to join the Leinster Regiment but was turned down. He waited a few months, (still underage), then he enlisted in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers using his mother’s maiden name of Conroy. He was killed on the 7th of February 1917. The Hickey family requested that he be listed as Coss on our memorial.
John Hooper: He was a native of Tipperary. The family came to live in Kilcavan where they had a farm. John was involved with Kilcavan Hall Committee. He worked for Harry Smith of Drinagh. He emigrated to Australia before the war and on the commencement of hostilities he joined the Australian Army. He fought at Gallipoli and when that campaign finished he was moved to the Western Front where he was captured by the Germans. He was killed on the 1st of October 1916. It is believed he was trying to escape when he was fatally wounded. He wrote letters to Harry Smith of Drinagh giving an account of the war. In one of these letters he described the Turkish Troops as being superb and very fair fighters. In the same letter he gave his regards to all his friends in Mountmellick, Drinagh, Castlebrack, Quarrymount and Kilcavan. His letters are too long to reproduce here but for those who are interested they are well worth the read.
John Conroy: Son of Mrs Anne Conroy, Sandy Lane, Mountmellick. John who joined the war early, was a Corporal in the Leinster Regiment. He was a sniper who constantly reconnoitred enemy lines and was lucky to avoid capture. His Commanding Officer was recommending him for honours but before they came through he was killed in action on the 11th of May 1916. His Commanding Officer, Captain Lavelle, sent a very sad letter of sympathy to his family in which he praised John as a soldier.
Patrick Brady: he was a Private in the Leinster Regiment. He was killed on the 4th of December 1917. In a letter to his mother, his Commanding Officer related how he was killed with 9 of his comrades while capturing an almost impregnable post from the enemy. Patrick was a member of Mountmellick Fife and Drum Band who held their practise sessions in the hall attached to Graigue Church. Patrick’s brother in law was Tom Gibson who was executed by the Free State in the Civil War on February 24th 1923.
Our monument was unveiled by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charles Flanagan on August 31st 2014 with military honours provided by the Irish Army and the U.N. Veterans Association. Music during the march and at the ceremony was provided by Tullamore Brass, Mountmellick Pipe Band and Portlaoise Accordion bands. The Last Post and Reveille was sounded by a bugler from the U.N. Veterans.
As part of our program we commissioned three DVD’s, one of the Ecumenical Service, another a documentary ‘Mountmellick Remembers’ and finally a DVD of a fund raising concert ‘Saluting the Brave’ in Mountmellick Arts Centre. This was designed and produced by the talented Emer Dunne, featuring Emer and her band Drua and a cast of locals actors and artists. The show was loosely based around the story of Peter Whelan and letters he sent home. Peter was from Clonsoughey. He went to the war without telling his parents. He came home of furlough and returned to the front where he was killed on the 29th of November 1917. A small number of these DVD’s are still available from the committee.
I had the privilege of giving an address on behalf of the Commemoration Committee at the Ceremony to mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of the war in November 2018. The full text of the speech is included below followed by a complete list of the 100 men who died. In the meantime, stay safe..Ger
World War 1 Centenary Address
The part played by Mountmellick people in the Great War was never fully known. The part played by some individuals was known only to their descendants and it was never spoken about.
Our research showed that 100 people died in The Great War from the Greater Mountmellick area and 84 of them were from Mountmellick town. This was an amazing number when you consider the population of the town and the fact that we were not part of the British mainland.
Today, we celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the ending of World War 1. Four years ago, our committee had this monument erected in memory of those who fought and particularly in memory of those who died in this most horrible of wars. We stated then, as we do now, this was not a gesture to glorify, justify or encourage war of any kind but was meant to commemorate these men and restore their rightful place in history.
The men who survived returned to a changing Ireland where instead of being greeted as war heroes, they were treated with scorn and isolation. A minority of returning soldiers joined the Republican cause and fought in the War of Independence, making full use of the skills gained on the battlefield. These returning soldiers, who served in the British Army, spoke very little of their ordeal or experience.
Those who died in the Great War, were buried or remembered in cemeteries and memorials all over Europe and further afield. The fact that here in Ireland there were no graves to tend or visit, meant that these men were forgotten by everyone, except their family members. All this contributed to these men being written out of the history books.
Perhaps a memorial or a headstone, in the cemetery where dead soldiers would have expected to have been buried, should have been considered, particularly in the years following the war, when the names of the men who died would have been readily known. This is something that may not have been encouraged at the time. Ireland in 1918, in common with the rest of the world, would have been ravaged by the Great Flu, where over 50 million people died worldwide as a result of this great epidemic. Historians tell us that even in Mountmellick, the church bells pealed continuously to herald another passing. When you combine that with the political environment of the time and the poverty of the country in general, it is easy to see why commemorating the death of these soldiers was not a priority.
Those people who wore the poppy as a remembrance emblem have only felt free to do so in public in recent years. Thankfully, in present day Ireland, we have overcome our indifference and intolerance and we are getting to an Ireland where nationality, religion, ethnic group or colour of skin will not cause discrimination or prejudice.
In remembering these men, let us not forget the part played by women during and in the aftermath of the Great War. They were left to pick up the pieces of shattered lives, broken families and deal with men with extreme or permanent disabilities both mentally and physically and they had to bear this down through the years, In recognition of their roles we inscribed on our monument, the name of Helen Fitzgerald Beale who was a Mountmellick humanitarian, awarded the Order if the British Empire (OBE), in recognition of her work to aid returning soldiers and their families, particularly those who suffered a disability as a result of this war.
This was billed as the war to end all wars but over the past 10 years, hostilities throughout the world have increased by over 100%. There must be a better way to resolve our differences other than armed conflict.
Over the next number of years, we as a nation will be celebrating our independence and the struggle that brought it about. We will be remembering our Civil War which deeply divided our country. We will be celebrating the early years of nationhood. I am pleased that in Mountmellick, we can do so in the knowledge that our men, who fought and died in the Great War of 1914-1918 have been fully recognised and remembered.
Age |
Dowling |
James |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
27/08/1914 |
Corcoran |
Patrick |
Private |
Scots Guard |
26/09/1914 |
White |
Frank |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
20/10/1914 |
Miller |
Samuel Arthur |
Co. Sgt. Major |
Oxford & Bucks Infantry |
31 |
26/10/1914 |
Flanagan |
Patrick |
Private |
Irish Guards |
25 |
01/11/1914 |
Gallagher |
William |
Private |
Irish Guards |
01/11/1914 |
Foran |
Joseph |
Private |
Connaught Rangers |
03/11/1914 |
Lutrell |
Ernest |
Private |
Irish Guards |
19 |
06/11/1914 |
Flanagan |
Daniel |
Private |
South Lancashire Reg. |
14/11/1914 |
Blong |
James |
Lance Corporal |
Connaught Rangers |
24 |
23/11/1914 |
Farrell |
Edward |
Private |
Connaught Rangers |
26 |
23/11/1914 |
Shea |
Thomas |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
23/01/1915 |
Moran |
Michael |
Sapper |
Royal Engineers |
03/02/1915 |
Brennan |
John |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
14/02/1915 |
Mooney |
Edward |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
14/02/1915 |
Brennan |
Patrick |
Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
25 |
16/02/1915 |
Payne |
Joseph |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
01/03/1915 |
Townsend |
George |
Private |
Highland Light Infantry |
33 |
03/03/1915 |
Campell |
Stephen |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
19 |
10/03/1915 |
Burns |
William Hueston |
Private |
London Reg. |
31 |
12/03/1915 |
Ryan |
Michael |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
27 |
13/03/1915 |
Shea |
James |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
15/03/1915 |
McGrath |
Richard |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
22 |
19/04/1915 |
Farrell |
James |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
26 |
21/04/1915 |
Dempsey |
James |
Private |
Royal Irish Fusiliers |
35 |
25/04/1915 |
Kennedy |
William |
Private |
East Yorkshire Reg. |
40 |
26/04/1915 |
Johnson |
James |
Private |
Duke of Wellington Reg. |
05/05/1915 |
Miller |
James |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
24 |
06/05/1915 |
Brown |
William |
Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
24 |
09/05/1915 |
Bannon |
Patrick |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
12/05/1915 |
Fitzpatrick |
Michael |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
48 |
12/05/1915 |
Dowling |
Bernard |
Lance Corporal |
Irish Guards |
32 |
18/05/1915 |
Dempsey |
Jeremiah |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
19/05/1915 |
Grace |
James |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
29 |
12/06/1915 |
Newell |
John |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
20/06/1915 |
Flanagan |
John |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
18/07/1915 |
Roche |
William |
Serjeant |
Leinster Reg. |
26 |
11/08/1915 |
Fingleton |
Peter |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
27 |
14/08/1915 |
Kane |
John |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
46 |
18/08/1915 |
Dunne |
Christopher |
Serjeant |
Royal Irish Fusiliers |
22/09/1915 |
McEvoy |
Patrick Joseph |
Guardsman |
Irish Guards |
23 |
19/10/1915 |
Lewis |
Michael |
Private |
Irish Guards |
21 |
20/10/1915 |
Flanagan |
William |
Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
04/11/1915 |
Reddin |
Patrick |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
29/11/1915 |
Dunne |
Joseph |
Private |
Irish Guards |
30/11/1915 |
Neale |
Arthur Hill |
Lieutenant |
1st Brahmans |
26 |
21/01/1916 |
Dempster |
James Dean |
Serjeant |
Kings Royal Rifle Corps |
30 |
09/03/1916 |
McGuinn |
John Francis |
Serjeant |
Irish Guards |
23 |
27/03/1916 |
Miller |
Robert Grattan |
Company QM Sgt. |
Oxford & Bucks Infantry |
06/04/1916 |
Phelan |
John |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
29 |
30/05/1916 |
Shea |
James |
Lance Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
27/06/1916 |
McComas |
George Andrew |
Private |
Ryl Inniskillen Fusiliers |
31 |
01/07/1916 |
Pielow |
William |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
01/07/1916 |
Toomey |
John |
Serjeant |
East Lancashire Reg. |
08/07/1916 |
Sullivan |
James |
Sapper |
Royal Engineers |
15/07/1916 |
Loughman |
Patrick |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
22/07/1916 |
Dillon |
William |
Private |
Connaught Rangers |
28/07/1916 |
Conroy |
John |
Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
21 |
11/08/1916 |
Bradley |
John Francis |
Lance Corporal |
Black Watch |
26 |
29/08/1916 |
Tully |
James Kivas |
Captain |
Middlesex Reg. |
33 |
19/09/1916 |
Webester |
Thomas |
Private |
Royal Munster Fusiliers |
27 |
24/09/1916 |
Hooper |
John |
Sergeant |
Austrailian Infantry |
01/10/1916 |
Dimond |
J.H. |
Private |
Canadian Infantry |
33 |
03/10/1916 |
Coss |
Henry |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
19 |
07/02/1917 |
Langford |
Francis David |
Private |
Irish Guards |
13/02/1917 |
Comerford |
John |
Private |
Connaught Rangers |
17/02/1917 |
Brady |
Patrick |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
20 |
12/04/1917 |
Fitzpatrick |
Michael |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
12/04/1917 |
Dawson Damer |
Hon. George Seymour |
2nd Lieutenant |
10th Prince of Wales Hussars |
24 |
13/04/1917 |
Donnelly |
William |
Gunner |
Royal Garrison Artillery |
36 |
20/04/1917 |
White |
William |
Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
09/06/1917 |
Flanagan |
Joseph |
Private |
South Lancashire Reg. |
27 |
23/06/1917 |
Lynam |
John |
Private |
Irish Guards |
21 |
03/08/1917 |
Smyth |
Patrick Paul |
Serjeant |
Labour Corps |
05/08/1917 |
Scott |
Francis Edward |
Corporal |
Royal Fusiliers |
19 |
10/08/1917 |
Conroy |
Francis |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
44 |
13/08/1917 |
Whitford |
George |
Private |
South Irish Horse |
25 |
18/09/1917 |
Barry |
William |
Serjeant |
Royal Garrison Artillery |
28 |
04/10/1917 |
Young |
Richard St. John |
Fleet Paymaster |
Royal Navy |
39 |
08/10/1917 |
Quinn |
Jeremiah |
Private |
Irish Guards |
09/10/1917 |
Whelan |
Peter |
Sapper |
Royal Engineers |
23 |
29/11/1917 |
Kane |
William |
Private |
Royal Irish Fusiliers |
07/12/1917 |
Farrell |
Edward |
Private |
Royal Irish Reg. |
26 |
12/12/1917 |
Smith |
John Thomas |
Corporal |
South Irish Horse |
27 |
12/12/1917 |
Dempster |
William Stratton |
Able Seaman |
Royal Navy |
26 |
23/12/1917 |
McEvoy |
John |
Private |
Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
21/03/1918 |
Fletcher |
Thomas A. |
Co. Sgt. Major |
Royal Irish Reg. |
23 |
11/04/1918 |
Watson |
William H. |
Private |
Irish Guards |
25 |
13/04/1918 |
Farrell |
Thomas |
Gunner |
Royal Garrison Artillery |
40 |
09/05/1918 |
Conroy |
William |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
39 |
30/05/1918 |
Deegan |
Thomas |
Private |
Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) |
20/06/1918 |
Mossop |
Harry |
Private |
Leinster Reg. |
13/08/1918 |
Beirne |
William |
Second Lieutenant |
Royal Air Force |
22 |
18/08/1918 |
Pielow |
Samuel Edward |
Gunner |
Royal Field Artillery |
28/09/1918 |
Smith |
Lionel Dancer |
Private |
Canadian Infantry |
23 |
30/09/1918 |
Burke |
Timothy |
Private |
Royal Irish Reg. |
08/10/1918 |
Scott |
James |
Lance Corporal |
Leinster Reg. |
20 |
14/10/1918 |
McEvoy |
Michael |
Private |
Connaught Rangers |
20/10/1918 |
Hassett |
M. |
Sapper |
Royal Engineers |
36 |
25/02/1919 |
Lynch |
M.P. |
Lance Corporal |
Tank Corps |
20 |
28/08/1920 |
Example of yarn bombing creation
Museum Article Week Twelve
Welcome again all friends of Mountmellick Embroidery Museum to week twelve in our series of articles relating to our Museum and or local History. We hope that you and yours are keeping well and are now planning your post Covid exit movements in line with Official Guidelines.
For those of you who have followed our articles since week one, you will have seen a wide diversity in the subject matter spanning in some cases hundreds of years. We as always thank you for the positive comments and feedback received. Given that all of the articles published to date relate to aspects of our Embroidery Museum or local Mountmellick history they are invariable linked by events, personal involved and in most cases by the positive and negative consequences that emerged. Mountmellick over the last three hundred and fifty years has had many success stories due in no small measure to the Quaker involvement in the development of the Town, in parallel it has had its tragedies also, for instance the effect of the famine on the fortunes of the area, its involvement in key national events as illustrated in this week’s article.
This article written by one of our local historians Dick Fitzpatrick and his Granddaughter Dearbhla Dunne focuses on the tragic events surrounding the involvement of local volunteers from Mountmellick in the National 1798 rising which was unsuccessful, and resulted in retribution for the men involved.
This key historical event and its local involvement has been commemorated on the two subsequent hundred years/fifty-years anniversaries – some photographs of the most recent event in 1998 are attached.
Dearbhla has also translated this article into the Irish language and it is available to read below.
Tune in again next week.
Over to you Dick and Dearbhla and thank you for your contribution.
Ann Dowling
Chairperson Embroidery Museum
The 1798 Rebellion in Mountmellick, County Laois
By Dick Fitzpatrick and his granddaughter, Dearbhla Dunne
The 1798 Rebellion is famous for its non-sectarian aspect. Catholics, Protestants and Presbyterians came together to fight on behalf of the freedom of Ireland. The people of Ireland rose up all over the country, the people of Mountmellick included. The activities that occurred in County Laois and especially in Mountmellick still hold significance in the minds of the local people today. The majority of the information about the 1798 Rebellion in Mountmellick was collected from primary sources for the occasions that were organised in 1898 and 1998, for example letters and stories from people who had relations living in Mountmellick in the year 1798.
There was a rebellion in Ireland in the year 1798 due to many reasons. There was significant division between the Ascendency, and the native Irish and the Presbyterians as a result of the Penal Laws which were implemented from 1695 onwards. The rights of Catholics were taken from them and these sectarian laws also had a negative impact on the Protestant dissenters (the Presbyterians). Even though many of these laws had been repealed in the second half of the eighteenth century, a grudge was created amongst the people.
As well as that, the revolutionaries in Ireland drew inspiration from the French Revolution and from the American War of Independence. "Freedom, equality and fraternity" was the motto of the French and this motto, as well as the success of the Americans, inspired the young liberals in Ireland. The revolutions that occurred in other countries and their successes showed that authority of the English in Ireland was wrong and that if every class and denomination of the country fought together, the people of Ireland would have a chance at achieving independence.
In the year 1791, a small group of liberal Protestants founded a new society in Belfast. It was named the Society of United Irishmen and members of the organisation included Catholics, Protestants, Presbyterians and Methodists. This non-sectarian aspect was very innovative and the society became very popular amongst the people - there were at least 200,000 members by 1797. The leaders of the Society of United Irishmen are famous - Theobald Wolfe Tone, John Sheares and his brother Harry Sheares, Lord Edward Fitzgerald and Henry Joy McCrackan.
Revolution and Executions in Mountmellick
Mountmellick is a town in north County Laois. It is a fifteenth century settlement on the River Owenass. The Quakers came to the area in the year 1657 and they brought prosperity with them. The town was known as "The Manchester of Ireland" in the eighteenth century because there was a lot of industry in Mountmellick at the time, for example, the weaving industry and the tanning industry.
There was a mixture of religions in the town and a significant number of Mountmellick people and people from the surrounding area took part in the 1798 Rebellion. There is evidence from letters between Major James Leatham and Major General Sir Charles Asgill, that there was much activity in County Laois as part of the 1798 Rebellion, including parts of Mountmellick. According to one letter, written by Major James Leatham on 26 May 1798, "I have this instant heard Mountmellick is to be attacked this night. If so, I hope to give the rebels a dressing" (Dunne, 1998).
Between seventy and eighty United Irishmen from Mountmellick and the surrounding area were arrested after a terrible and disastrous battle and they were taken to the barracks. The loyalists of the town threw insults at them and they offered drinks to the cavalry, as well as rope with which to hang the prisoners. The prisoners were questioned and then, because the authorities got no information from them, they tortured the prisoners. The troops flogged them until they were unconscious.
Major Leatham decided that it would be appropriate to hang some of the prisoners to make an example of them. Six were chosen on 11 June. They were Patrick Dunne, Daniel Dunne, Francis Dunne, James Deegan, Thomas Dunne and Willie Brock. Two days later, five others were hanged and they were William Holohan, Patrick Murphy, John Guilfoyle, George Gilligan and Daniel Conroy. People of every religion all over the country condemned the executions. It is clear from letters that Major Leatham received angry backlash and that he was accused of wanton cruelty. It seems that he had no remorse, as he wrote to Major General Sir Charles Asgill on the 21 June 1798:
"I must observe that what may make the executions appear greater here than in other places, arises from the completeness of the information I have been able to obtain and they fall far short of the number that deserve it. I must assure you Sir I felt not the least remorse at the executions and I trust if you shall judge an investigation into my conduct necessary you will find I have not acted with inhumanity" (Dunne, 1998).
On 22 June 1798 Major General Sir Charles Asgill, wrote to Viscount Castlereagh, who was secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, and he told him that Major Leatham was too merciful and that every man who received the death penalty had admitted his guilt (Dunne, 1998).
Huge importance is placed on the 1798 Rebellion and the activities in Laois by the people of Mountmellick. Commemorations were organised in the years 1898, 1938, 1948 and 1998. A monument was erected in 1898 and it is still there today on Wolfe Tone Street. Well known people, such as Arthur Griffith, gave donations to the Mountmellick memorial committee for the monument. Laurence McEvoy organised the commemoration in 1898. The commemoration of 1938 was attended by Count Joseph Plunkett. He was the father of Joseph Mary Plunkett, one of the signatories of the 1916 Proclamation.
In the year 1998 the "1798 - 1998 Mountmellick Remembers Committee" published a book edited by Alan Dunne to commemorate the Rebellion. 1798 A Local Perspective was the name of this book. The local people did great work to organise activities all over the town. There was a Military Mass at 11am on 6 June and then a parade began at 1.30pm. The participants marched in costume from Acragar to the oldest graveyard in Mountmellick, known as the "Ivy Cemetery", and they unveiled a commemorative plaque. Then the parade went to Graigue Cemetery where they unveiled another commemorative plaque. The town was decorated with bunting and exhibitions made by the local schoolchildren. Members of Macra na Feirme and members of the Pioneers performed a re-enactment of the battle and the executions.
The 1998 commemoration was organised in the context of the Good Friday Agreement and as such, the non-sectarian aspect of the Rebellion was still very poignant and very relevant two hundred years after the event.
Francis McNamara, parish priest of Mountmellick, wrote the following words in the preface of 1798 A Local Perspective: "Remembering 1798 will always be important for us as we try, to understand and accept the resentments and aspirations which continue to divide sections of the people living in Ireland" (Dunne, 1998).
Mountmellick Remembers Committee. Dunne, A. ed., (1998). 1798 A Local Perspective. 1' edition. Laois. Imperial Print.
Éirí Amach 1798 i Móinteach Mílic, Contae Laoise
Dearbhla Ní Dhuinn a d’aistrigh go Gaeilge
Tá clú agus cáil ar Éirí Amach 1798 in Éirinn mar gheall ar an ngné neamhsheicteach. Tháinig Caitlicigh, Protastúnaigh agus Preispitéirigh le chéile chun troid ar son shaoirse na hÉireann. D’éirigh muintir na hÉireann amach ar fud na tíre, muintir Mhóinteach Mílic i gContae Laoise ina measc.
Tá na gníomhaíochtaí a tharla i gContae Laoise agus go háirithe i Móinteach Mílic fós suntasach i meabhair mhuintir na háite sa lá atá inniu ann. Bailíodh an chuid is mó den eolas faoi Éirí Amach 1798 i Móinteach Mílic le haghaidh na n-ócáidí a eagraíodh in 1898 agus 1998 ó bhunfhoinsí, mar shampla litreacha agus sceálta ó dhaoine a raibh gaolta acu a bhí ina gcónaí i Móinteach Mílic sa bhliain 1798.
Bhí éirí amach in Éirinn sa bhliain 1798 mar gheall ar go leor cúiseanna. Bhí deighilt shuntasach idir an Chinsealacht, agus na Gaeil agus na Preispitéirigh mar thoradh na bPéindlíthe a cuireadh i bhfeidhm ó 1695 i leith. Bhí cearta na gCaitliceach in Éirinn bainte díobh agus bhí drochthionchar ag na dlíthe seicteacha sin ar na heasaontóirí Protastúnacha (na Preispitéirigh) fosta. Cé gur aisghaireadh mórán de na dlíthe sin sa dara leath den ochtú haois déag, cruthaíodh olc i measc na ndaoine.
Anuas air sin, tharraing réabhlóidithe in Éirinn inspioráid ó Réabhlóid na Fraince agus ó Chogadh Saoirse Mheiriceá. Ba é “saoirse, comhionannas agus bráithreachas” mana na bhFrancach agus spreag an mana sin agus bua na Meiriceánach an t-aos óg liobrálach in Éirinn. Léirigh na réabhlóidí a tharla i dtíortha eile agus an bua a bhí acu go raibh údarás na Sasanach in Éirinn mícheart agus go mbeadh seans ag muintir na hÉireann neamhspleáchas a bhaint amach dá dtroidfeadh gach aicme den tír le chéile.
Bhunaigh dream beag de Phrotastúnaigh liobrálacha cumann nua i mBéal Feirste sa bhliain 1791. Cumann na nÉireannach Aontaithe an t-ainm a bhí air agus bhí Caitlicigh, Protastúnaigh, Preispitéirigh agus Meitidistigh ina mbaill den eagraíocht. Ba rud an-nuálach é an ghné neamhsheicteach sin agus d’éirigh sé an-choitianta i measc na ndaoine – bhí 200,000 ball ar a laghad ann faoi 1797. Tá clú agus cáil ar cheannairí Chumann na nÉireannach Aontaithe – Theobald Wolfe Tone, John Sheares agus a dheartháir Henry Sheares, an Tiarna Edward Fitzgerald agus Henry Joy McCrackan.
Éirí Amach agus Básuithe i Móinteach Mílic
Is baile é Móinteach Mílic i dTuaisceart Chontae Laoise. Is lonnaíocht ón gcúigiú haois déag é ar Abhainn Easa. Tháinig Cumann na gCarad go dtí an ceantar sa bhliain 1657 agus thug siad rath in éineacht leo. Tugadh “The Manchester of Ireland” ar an mbaile san ochtú haois déag toisc go raibh go leor tionscal i Móinteach Mílic ag an am, mar shampla, tionscal na fíodóireachta agus tionscal na súdaireachta.
Bhí meascán creideamh sa bhaile agus ghlac méid suntasach de mhuintir Mhóinteach Mílic agus daoine ón dúiche mórthimpeall páirt in Éirí Amach 1798. Tá fianaise ó litreacha idir an Maor James Leatham agus an Maorghinearál Sir Charles Asgill, go raibh go leor gníomhaíochtaí i gContae Laoise mar pháirt den Éirí Amach 1798, cuid Mhóinteach Mílic ina measc. De réir litir amháin, a scríobh Maor James Leatham ar 26 Bealtaine 1798, “I have this instant heard Mountmellick is to be attacked this night. If so I hope to give the rebels a dressing” (Dunne, 1998).
Gabhadh idir seachtó agus ochtó Éireannach Aontaithe ó Mhóinteach Mílic agus ón gceantar mórthimpeall i ndiaidh cath uafásach agus tubaisteach agus tugadh go dtí an bheairic iad. Chaith dílseoirí an bhaile maslaí leo agus d'ofráil siad deochanna don marcshlua, chomh maith le rópa chun na príosúnaigh a chrochadh. Ceistíodh na príosúnaigh agus ansin, toisc nach bhfuair na húdaráis aon eolas uathu, rinne siad céasadh orthu. Lasc na trúipéirí iad go dtí go raibh siad neamhaireachtálach.
Shocraigh Maor Leatham go mbeadh sé oiriúnach roinnt príosúnach a chrochadh chun sampla a dhéanamh díobh. Roghnaíodh seisear ar an 11 Meitheamh. Ba iad sin Patrick Dunne, Daniel Dunne, Francis Dunne, James Deegan, Thomas Dunne agus Willie Brock. Dhá lá ina dhiaidh sin, crochadh cúigear eile agus ba iad sin William Holohan, Patrick Murphy, John Guilfoyle, George Gilligan agus Daniel Conroy. Cháin daoine de gach creideamh ar fud na tíre na básuithe. Tá sé le feiceáil ó litreacha go bhfuair an Maor Leatham frithradadh feargach agus gur cuireadh cruáil bhaoth ina leith.
Tá an chuma ar an scéal nach raibh aon aithreachas air, mar scríobh sé chuig an Maorghinearál Sir Charles Asgill ar an 21 Meitheamh 1798:
“I must observe that what may make the executions appear greater here than in other places, arises from the completeness of the information I have been able to obtain and they fall far short of the number that deserve it. I must assure you Sir I felt not the least remorse at the executions and I trust if you shall judge an investigation into my conduct necessary you will find I have not acted with inhumanity” (Dunne, 1998).
Scríobh an Maorghinearál Sir Charles Asgill ar an 22 Meitheamh 1798 chuig an Tiarna Castlereagh a bhí ina a rúnaí ag Fear Ionaid an Rí, agus dúirt sé leis go raibh an Maor Leatham róthrócaireach agus d’admhaigh gach fear ar thug sé breith bháis air go raibh sé ciontach (Dunne, 1998).
Is mór an tábhacht a bhaineann le hÉirí Amach 1798 agus leis na gníomhaíochtaí i gContae Laoise do mhuintir Mhóinteach Mílic. Eagraíodh cuimhneacháin sna blianta 1898, 1938, 1948 agus 1998. Cuireadh leacht suas in 1898 agus tá sé fós ann sa lá atá inniu ann ar Shráid Wolfe Tone. Thug daoine mór le rá, mar shampla Arthur Griffith, síntiús do choiste cuimhneacháin Mhóinteach Mílic le haghaidh an leachta. D’eagraigh Laurence McEvoy an comóradh in 1898. D’fhreastail an Cunta Joseph Plunkett ar an gcomóradh i 1938. Ba athair Joseph Mary Plunkett é, duine de shínitheoirí Fhorógra 1916.
Sa bhliain 1998 d’fhoilsigh an coiste “1798 – 1998 Mountmellick Remembers Committee” leabhar a bhí curtha in eagar ag Alan Dunne chun an tÉirí Amach a chomóradh. 1798 A Local Perspective an t-ainm a bhí ar an leabhar sin. Rinne muintir na háite an-obair chun imeachtaí a eagrú ar fud an bhaile. Bhí Aifreann Míleata ar siúl ag 11am ar an 6 Meitheamh agus ansin thosaigh paráid mhór ar 1:30pm. Shiúil na rannpháirtithe a bhí faoi fheisteas ón Acra Gearr go dtí an reilig is sine i Móinteach Mílic ar a dtugtar “Ivy Cemetery” agus nochtadh plaic chuimhneacháin. Ansin chuaigh an pharáid go dtí Reilig na Gráige, áit ar nochtadh plaic chuimhneacháin eile. Maisíodh an baile le stiallbhratacha agus taispeántais a rinne na daltaí scoile áitiúla. Rinne baill Mhacra na Feirme agus baill na Réadóirí athléiriú ar an gcath agus ar na básuithe.
Eagraíodh comóradh 1998 i gcomhthéacs Chomhaontú Aoine an Chéasta agus mar gheall air sin, bhí an ghné neamhsheicteach den Éirí Amach fós an-tochtmhar agus an-ábhartha dhá chéad bliain ina dhiaidh. Scríobh sagart paróiste Mhóinteach Mílic, Francis McNamara i réamhrá 1798 A Local Perspective na focail seo a leanas: “Remembering 1798 will always be important for us as we try to understand and accept the resentments and aspirations which continue to divide sections of the people living in Ireland” (Dunne, 1998).
Mountmellick Remembers Committee. Dunne, A. ed., (1998). 1798 A Local Perspective. 1ú eagrán. Laois. Imperial Print.
Welcome again all friends of Mountmellick Museum to week eleven in our series of articles relating to either our Museum or relevant local history. During these challenging times we send every good wish that you and all of those people you care about are remaining safe and making plans to be closer to your love ones in the weeks ahead, as the restrictions continue to ease and some semblance of normality appears to be returning. The Covid 19 outbreak has had worldwide implications and unfortunate consequences for some people, it has however reinforced the message, if there ever was any doubt of the need to protect , mind and care for each other.
Thank you all for your kind comments, shares and likes received over the last ten weeks, we do appreciate the feedback. While no definite date for the reopening of our museum is available at present, the interventions in place to date are making this prospect more of a reality in the near future. We certainly look forward to that. Over the last ten weeks while our Museum was closed we have published a variety of articles, all drafted by members of our Board / Museum Committee which hopefully has given you a sense of the rich history and heritage associated with the Midlands Town of Mountmellick of which we are very proud. Perhaps we have whetted your appetite to consider either revisiting our Museum when it reopens or planning your first visit to see us and what our Town has to offer at some stage in the future. While holding on to and sharing our rich past we are very much looking to the future in terms of ongoing development.
Since the opening of our Embroidery Museum in 2003 we have welcomed many visitors from around the world through our doors and have received very positive feedback and accolades on their Museum experience. So what can you expect when you schedule a visit to our Museum? In order to answer this question in an unbiased manner, and in a departure from our normal in house authors, we have this week handed over responsibility to two individuals who have over the last few years visited and enjoyed our Museum experience. Firstly, we hear from Dennis Morrell a very successful tour operator based in New Britain Connecticut USA who has visited Ireland with his tour groups on over sixty occasions over the years, he brought a group to our Museum in 2019. Secondly we will hear from Wendy Johnstone from New Plymouth New Zealand who was travelling in Ireland and called to the Museum. This visit by Wendy resulted in me later paying a visit to her Guild in New Plymouth New Zealand in 2018, where as part of a personal vacation I had the pleasure of making a presentation on Mountmellick Embroidery while attending their ANZEG (Association of New Zealand Embroiderers Guilds) biannual Conference held in Nelson. At the conclusion it was an honour to present a special commission piece of Mountmellick work to the Nelson Guild. This piece which represented the silver fern of New Zealand, the shamrock of Ireland entwined by forget me knots, was designed by Ann O Brien and stitched by Ann, Dolores Dempsey and Margaret Gorman This was a wonderful occasion and a great opportunity to showcase Mountmellick Embroidery to a very knowledge audience. Do tune in next week for another interesting article.
Over to you Dennis and Wendy and thank you for your contribution.
Ann Dowling - Chairperson Embroidery Museum.
Dear Friends,
I hope this note finds you all staying well during these challenging times. It is only now that I am finally finding the time to write you with my group’s experience last summer at your museum.
My involvement in the Irish tourism industry began in 1986 after attending a family wedding in “Lovely Laois.” I fell in love with your beautiful county in the midlands, and the entire island for that matter. It was inevitable when I started my career at Perkins Travel that my focus would be tours to Ireland. The level of hospitality shown to visitors is incomparable. The diverse landscape of rolling green hills and rugged coastlines can take one’s breath away. Adding to the appeal is a rich history, delicious foods, and libations. You are the land of storytellers and no one is too rushed to share a story. Having visited Ireland over sixty times, I am always searching for that new and uniquely fulfilling experience for my clients. We found that experience at the Mountmellick Embroidery Museum.
It was our driver’s first time to the museum, and he was a bit concerned about getting us lost and finding ample parking. He had no issues with finding your location, parking was accessible, and we arrived for our appointment a bit early. In true Irish fashion this was no bother to the staff. Just as Dave turned off the ignition, we were met by our charming hosts Ann Dowling and Paddy Buggy with a genuinely kind and warm welcome.
Thankfully, we were directed to your nicely maintained restrooms (always a concern of tour groups) for a break before gathering in a large comfortable room for our presentation. A short film was shown giving the group a concise history of this once Quaker settlement and the intricate embroidery indicative of the area. The pride was apparent with everyone we encountered, and it is no wonder after learning the embroidery is the only work of its kind that can claim to be entirely Irish in origin and design. Thank you, Anne Sands for adding to this great history lesson with your storytelling. It was a treat to see a demonstration by a local artisan who worked her amazingly detailed craft while graciously answering our questions. The many samples showcased were impressive, but the commemorative 9/11 piece of the Rising Phoenix ( on loan from Ann O Brien who designed and stitched this masterpiece ) touched the hearts of this American group. We were just as moved with the story of the young Irish women sent off to Australia during the great hunger and the replicated travel box on display containing all their worldly possessions.
We ended our visit sipping a cup of tea and nibbling on freshly made treats in your delightful café. Whether it is a first visit or a repeat visit to Ireland, I recommend that clients get off the beaten path and visit the Mountmellick Embroidery Museum in Lovely Laois. It is a true Irish experience.
Wishing you continued success,
Dennis Morrell, CTC
Ireland Specialist
Perkins Travel Corp
A visit to Mountmellick Museum September 2016
In September 2016 I arrived in Ireland after 6 weeks touring the UK, after a few days in Belfast I travelled by train to Dublin. I had a few days in this lovely city and on a visit to Malahide Castle saw a beautiful Mountmellick bed cover. Mountmellick embroidery has always intrigued me, as I had inherited several pieces stitched by my paternal grandmother (two of her pieces I donated to your Museum).
I picked up my rental car and headed off on my journey around Ireland with a visit to Mountmellick Museum high on my list that day. Several years earlier I had some correspondence with the museum when I was asked to take a Mountmellick class. I had my big map book as my guide and found my way very easily. It was disappointing when I arrived to find the Museum was closed, as the exhibits were in the process of shifting to a new building. I explained I was from New Zealand and interested in embroidery and textiles and the receptionist called the Manager Paddy Buggy who kindly showed me several pieces and the new exhibition display areas.
Paddy and I spoke for about an hour and the subject of a small exhibition travelling to New Zealand at some time was discussed. As I am a member of the New Plymouth Embroiderers Guild I was able to suggest the possibility of a visit to the ANZEG (Association of New Zealand Embroiderers Guilds) biennial conference due to take place in Nelson in 2018.
This meeting with Paddy had a very positive outcome and after many e mails on my return to New Zealand a visit came to fruition. Ann and Liam Dowling were able to travel to New Zealand and attend the Conference in Nelson. Ann gave a very interesting and informative presentation which included a showing of the Museum DVD telling the history of Mountmellick Embroidery which was well received by the large Group in attendance. They then travelled to my home town of New Plymouth where Ann gave a similar presentation to my local Guild Members. It was such a pleasure for my guild to view all of the original Mountmellick embroidery pieces which Ann has so carefully brought with her. The evening rounded off with some nice refreshments and a very interesting chat with all present. I was delighted to receive from Ann some embroidery material and thread for our Guild which was gratefully received. It was certainly an honour and privilege to host them and we have become firm friends. This was a great outcome from my original visit to your Museum in 2016.
I do hope when the world returns to normal I am able to travel back to Ireland to visit your lovely town to meet up with Ann, Liam and Paddy again and see how your beautiful museum pieces are now displayed.
With kind regards from all in New Plymount, New Zealand.
Wendy Johnstone.
To all Friends of Mountmellick .Embroidery Museum.
Welcome again and thank you for joining us on week ten of our Covid Journey. Hoping that you are all staying safe and at this stage planning your post Covid activities, as our restrictions are thankfully easing. This week I am delighted to hand over to two stalwarts of our MDA Board / Museum Committee, who have contributed so much over the years to our development, Marie Walsh who completed the forward and Pat Dalton who authored the main article. Enjoy the read, join us again next week.
Over to you Marie and Pat.
Ann Dowling ( Chairperson Museum Committee)
Introduction by Marie Walsh, Museum Committee Secretary
Dear Readers, welcome to this week's Museum article entitled 'When the World famous Quaker Tapestry came to Mountmellick', written by Pat Dalton, MDA. Director. This is article no.10, and I must thank you all for your weekly support and great response .
By way of introduction to Pat's article, I am referring to four books published by Quaker Tapestry, Friends Meeting House, Stramongate, Kendal, Cumbria, U.K., which I purchased at the Exhibition in Mountmellick in 2013, so I hope all the information is accurate and of course some great memories have inspired too.
The Quaker Tapestry came into being as a result of a chance remark by an eleven year old boy, Jonathan Stocks, attending a small Quaker Meeting in the south-west of England in 1981. The original intention was for the children to make a long scroll depicting some of the stories of the first Quakers. Jonathan thought this was going to be another Sunday morning colouring activity and asked, " can't we do something more exciting? like mosaic or collage?" The remark was made to his teacher Anne Wynn-Wilson, who was an accomplished embroiderer. At that time Anne was completing her City and Guilds embroidery thesis on the 11th century crewel embroidery, the Bayeux Tapestry. She then designed an embroidery scheme that would incorporate elements of the Bayeux within the Quaker Tapestry. Jonathan had thrown the first pebble in the pond that January morning in 1981 and the ripple continues today. Anne had the vision of a number of large tapestry panels telling something of the Quaker story. In 1982 she mounted a display of work in progress and her ideas and determination aroused an enthusiastic response from many Quakers. As a result designers came forward, embroidery groups were formed and training workshops were arranged. Enthusiasm for the project spread and more than 4,000 men, women and children in 15 countries ' had a hand' in the creation of the Quaker Tapestry. Completed in 1996, the result is 77 panels of narrative 'crewel' embroidery on specially woven wool cloth made in Somerset by weavers Talbot Potter and John Lennon. The colour was based on local stone, known as 'Quantock' sandstone. Nine different shades of wool were woven using random warp to produce a subtle stripe. The stripe and weave produced a guide to keep the line of the lettering and buildings straight, with each panel measuring 25" (635mm) by 21" (533mm). It is a testament to the passion and shared sense of community of an amazing group of people. The book, Living Threads, Making the Quaker Tapestry by Jennie Levin , says and I quote ' Living Threads is dedicated to Anne Wynn-Wilson, founder of The Quaker Tapestry, who died suddenly on 13 October 1998, aged 72. It was her vision, inspiration, devotion, and generosity in giving 15 years of her life to travelling in the ministry with this work that made it possible for thousands of others to contribute to it, enjoy it and learn from it. Thank you Anne.'
As Pat will tell you in 2013 part of the collection arrived for exhibition in Mountmellick from its permanent home in Kendal under the management of Bridget Guest. Bridget has a degree in Art and Design and Post Grad. in Education in Art/Design and Textiles. She began working with The Quaker Tapestry in 1994 and has been teaching the embroidery workshops since 1996. Some Quaker ladies also came as volunteers to help with the exhibition and tell the Quaker story. I was delighted to have two of these ladies stay in my home with me for the duration, Dr. Audrey Nunn, and Grace Blaker . Both remarkable ladies and I am happy to say we have kept in touch since.
I hope you all enjoy the photographs of some of the collection and to all who volunteered during the exhibition many thanks again and enjoy this trip down memory lane.I will conclude with a quotation by Anne Wynn-Wilson..." The chief attribute of a good embroiderer is love ".
Best Regards to you all and stay safe,
I now hand you over to Pat.
When the World-famous Quaker Tapestry came to Mountmellick
The globally acclaimed Quaker Tapestry is the largest community tapestry in the world and has it’s permanent home in the Quaker Tapestry Centre in Kendal, Cumbria, UK. It consists of 77 vibrant embroidered panels depicting the journey of Quaker influence on the modern world and exploring: The Industrial Revolution, Developments in Science and Medicine, Astronomy, The abolition of Slavery, Social Reform, and Ecology. The detail of the stunning needlework, the luminous rainbow colouring and the craftsmanship involved in it’s creation has been universally recognised as fine art of excellence. The panels were made by 4,000 men women and children from 15 countries between 1981 and 1996 and 40 of these are on permanent display in the Kendal Museum.
The Tapestry Roadshow has toured major cities in the UK and previously visited Ireland in 1993 at venues in Dublin and Waterford. Subsequently it became an ambition of the MDA Board to bring this distinguished art collection to Mountmellick to reaffirm the town’s Quaker Heritage. Over the following years, tentative contacts with the UK Centre, concluded that the costs and logistics involved were prohibitive and beyond the resources of a small voluntary organisation. Significantly, in October 2012 two events coincided to change this view. The Quaker Centre contacted MDA to determine if the interest was still there to mount the exhibition and financial support was announced by Laois County Council for approved local events, designed to attract both Irish and overseas visitors, under the heading of “The Gathering”. An MDA application for funding was approved by LCC in January 2013 as one of two “flagship” events for the County and immediately the wheels were set in motion to realise the dream.
The Museum Sub-committee took on the role of Project Management and co-ordinated the planning, organisation and control of activities. Exhibition dates and duration were fixed for July 27th to August 10th 2013, and a timeline was set out for – Training of organisers in Event Management, Social Media and Tourism Sales, Appointment of 2 PR Specialists, Expansion of the Sub-committee to include other local groups, Recruitment and Induction of Volunteers, Official Launch, Erection of Tapestry Exhibits, Official Opening, Exhibition daily programme, Fringe events, Formal Closing and Dissembling of Exhibition.
The scale of the project and the wide range of activities involved, presented a formidable challenge to the organising committee. The over-riding objective was to ensure a friendly, absorbing, safe and enjoyable experience for visitors and patrons. The evidence of feedback from many sources subsequently, confirmed that this objective was resoundingly achieved and that the smoothness of operation and attention to detail, proved to be a feat of organisational excellence. Visitors remarked on the warmth of the welcome and helpful guidance, right from the car park, along the free-flow exhibition trail, through the shop and peripheral areas. There were no complaints or accidents reported.
The Exhibition was launched on the 14th of June by the British Ambassador Mr Dominick Chilcott, and achieved it’s primary objective of generating widespread publicity for the event. The Official Opening took place on 26th July to a packed audience including the UK curators, Representatives of Laois County Council, Bord Failte, The Friends Meeting Headquarters in Dublin, Local Councillors and members of the local community. The gathering created a palpable buzz and sense of excitement around the project with song and story, good humoured banter and personal interaction pervading.
Over the 15 days of the Exhibition 3,000 visitors were recorded, of whom 220 came from overseas, including Quakers from all around Ireland, the UK and USA. They had a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and master craftsmanship of the Tapestries alongside the permanent exhibition of Mountmellick Embroidery, both with their common origins in the ethos of Quaker Culture.
The Fringe Programme provided further experiences for patrons such as Demonstrations and Master Classes in both Tapestry and Embroidery Stitching, Genealogy tracing from heritage records, Audio Visual history of the Quakers in Mountmellick, Walking Tours of Mountmellick Heritage Trail, and Craft Shop, all of which were widely availed of.
A highlight of the second week was the presentation to the Museum of a first edition copy of the prestigious Edmundson Journal. William Edmundson is commonly known as the “Father” of Quakerism in Ireland. He came from England as a member Cromwell’s army and stayed on in Lisburn before settling with friends in Rosenalis and established the first Quaker Meeting House in Mountmellick in 1649. He travelled widely in Europe and America lecturing and debating on the beliefs and ways of life of the Quaker philosophy, while writing his “Journal of the Life, Travels, Suffering and Labour of Love”. The hand-over of this Journal was made by James Edmundson, a multi generation descendent of the author, who travelled from the USA especially for the occasion. On the same occasion Mr Ross Chapman, a descendant of Sarah Jane Potts, a student of the Quaker School in Mountmellick presented a fist edition copy of “ The Friends of the Provincial School Mountmellick - Centenary Celebrations” The ceremony was intimate, moving, meaningful and fittingly marked the importance of these documents for the Museum, the Exhibition and the Community. The attendance of Quakers from all around the country added to the significance of the occasion and reinforced our Quaker Heritage bonds.
This project was essentially about people – people visiting and people serving the visitors, to honour and celebrate past generations of people. The recruitment, induction, empowerment, and motivation of 100 volunteers from the Community and matching their assignments to their interests and talents, was a masterstroke. Their dedication and enthusiasm proved to be a vital factor in the success of the project as they completed an estimated 2400 hours of relentless duty.
A subsequent evaluation of the project by the MDA Board identified the following Results and Outcomes.
- There is now increased awareness of Mountmellick’s Quaker Heritage, locally, nationally and internationally.
- The principles, values, and achievements of the Quaker congregation are more widely recognised and appreciated.
- There is greater recognition and appreciation of the beauty and artistry of tapestry stitching and Mountmellick Work.
- The Project fulfilled and justified the label of “Flagship Project” for the Laois Gathering Programme and attracted visitors in surprisingly large numbers.
- The status and reputation of MDA as a leading and innovative community organisation has been enhanced widely.
- Mountmellick has been “put on the map” as a significant Heritage and Craft Centre.
- A wealth of new personal relationships has developed as a result of people working together for a common goal, thereby increasing the social capital of the community.
- The personal feelings of satisfaction, achievement, pride and joy, derived from the undeniable success of the project has greatly lifted the morale, confidence and motivation of all those involved.
- Substantial Learning and new knowledge was captured through the experience and valuable networks, linkages and connectivity have been established, for the future.
- Strong bonds have been forged with the Quaker Centre in Kendal and further project partnerships have been discussed.
- The project proved to be financially viable.
This project was an outstanding success and adds to the long history of substantial MDA achievements, in the community. The outcomes listed above show that all it’s objectives were either met or exceeded. The overwhelming thrust of evidence from feedback both during and after the Exhibition is testament to this conclusion. The active Leadership displayed by MDA Board, Museum sub-committee, Project Manager, and staff inspired an equally massive response from the community in terms of voluntary effort, application, and positive attitude. All the personal qualities of hard work, commitment, dedication, talent, ingenuity etc, that we associate with success, were evident in abundance and channelled through vibrant teamwork, co-operation and collaboration towards the ultimate goals. The personal benefits for participants, derived from this uplifting and memorable experience, are immeasurable and inspire a desire for further success. The challenge ahead now is to harness this goodwill, enthusiasm, creativity and motivation for further projects, for the good of the community.
Pat Dalton

A message from our Chairperson
Welcome again all Friends of Mountmellick Embroidery Museum to this our ninth Article on local and Museum History. Again we wish you, your family and friends well and know you are looking forward to meeting up in less restrained circumstances as the restrictions around Covid 19 are easing. We wish to send good wishes to Bronwyn Mutton and her two cousins Fiona and Gordon, who were scheduled to arrive in Mountmellick this week, however Covid has dictated a change of plan unfortunately. In the interim we are delighted to receive emails and messages of support from Bronwyn and all Friends of The Museum in Australia, New Zealand, USA and of course within Ireland itself, we look forward to welcoming you all back another time. Bronwyn is a direct descendent of Joseph Beale and who kindly donated a special sampler to our Museum (See previous articles by Bridie Dunne / Marie Walsh for details).
Thank you as always for your interest, and welcome feedback which our weekly articles are receiving. In previous articles you will hopefully have seen how the fortunes of Mountmellick ebbed and flowed from poverty to relative prosperity and decline again during and after the famine times. The industrial growth also contributed to an increase in the population of the town which at the height stood at around eight thousand people. This growth in population also witnessed an increase in the number of churches who administered their spiritual services to a growing congregation, and as we shall see attracted some very high profile individuals to Mountmellick. In a previous Article Anne Sands, a long term museum committee member outlined the history of two of these churches (Protestant and Catholic Churches). Continuing on this theme Anne now continues with the history of two more of the remaining four established Churches in our Town with an impute from the Reverent Clodagh Yambasu (Methodist Church) and Paul Lawlor, Manager of the now Forum Hostel, formerly the Presbyterian Church).
Enjoy the read and do tune in next week for another article of interest, please share any of the articles published with your friends who may be interested.
Over to you Anne.
Dear Reader,
During these difficult and uncertain times I would like to start by sharing a reflection which was received in relation to post Covid 19 aspiration, composed by Fr Tom Roche who teaches at Damien High School Leverne in California USA:
“May we find that we have become more like the people we wanted to be – We were called to be – We hoped to be – and may we stay that way – Better for each other – Because of the worst “–
“May we return to a world of possibility and promise and face the future together with Gods love”.
The Methodist Church was founded by Rev. John Wesley, whose father, Rev. Samuel Wesley was Rector of Epworth, a village in Lincolnshire. John Wesley was born at the Rectory on the 17th June 1703. He attended Charterhouse School, London, and in 1720 entered Christchurch College, Oxford at the age of sixteen, becoming a fellow of Oxford University and a founder of the holy Club. Experiencing a spiritual conversion on the 24th May 1738, in a room on Aldersgate Street, London, he began a ministry during which he travelled widely in England, Scotland and Ireland. He crossed the Irish Sea twenty-one times and there is scarcely a town he did not visit. John Wesley visited Mountmellick on eighteen occasions between 1748 and 1789. In the course of his second visit to Ireland (1749) his keen eye observed several ruined buildings in the town, so he likened the inhabitants of Mountmellick to some of the ancient quotes from Horace
“ such is the amazing fickleness of this people. Almost everyone who has his fortune in his hands, pulls down, builds up, changes square things into round, and leaves those monuments of his folly to succeeding generations “.
John Wesley’s main mission was to preach to the poor, working class people, and he was rebuked many times for his outspokenness. He believed that “Faith without Action is dead”. He had moments that changed his life and he lived his internal faith out. His earning was used to build schools, hospitals, and to give to the poor. John Wesley visited Mountmellick first in 1748, and preached to what he described as the largest congregation he has seen in the midlands. He returned later to address an even larger gathering which he indicated was the largest crowd he preached to, outside of Dublin. His address was given from the market house in the square which was also attended by some local Quakers living in the town. Wesley’s last visit to Mountmellick occurred in 1789 when he was eighty-six years old.
The first Methodist Church was built in Mountmellick in 1765 in Church Lane on a plot of land leased from Richard Deverill, a clothier. This building was used until 1882. The present Church was opened in 1882, and is now following extensive renovations named the “ Gideon Ouseley Memorial Church” to honour the memory of Gideon Ouseley, one of the first general Methodist missionaries appointed in 1799. He was born in Dunmore Co Galway, was said to have a photographic memory, he acquired a fluency in the Irish language which he used extensively to preach his sermons. There is reference to him preaching in Mountmellick in April 1839. In the summer of 1824 the average attendance at this church was males 83 and females 70. The Methodist opened a Sunday School about the year 1810, James Baskerville was the Superintendent. The school was supported by way of an annual subscription from the congregation. In the intervening years to date the congregation was similarly reduced by those factors which affected Mountmellick in general in those turbulent times i.e. famine, unemployment, emigration, all contributed to a decline in numbers. There is still however an active Methodist congregation in Mountmellick which is the home Church of Reverent Nigel Gill who now covers Birr, Athlone, and Tullamore. Local Methodist services are led by the Rev. Clodagh Yambasu who also coordinates a regular programme of bible studies, a parent and toddler group, children’s club. During the present lockdown continuity is maintained through the use of zoom events to maintain contact with the congregation.
Not very far from Mountmellick and nestling in a fold of the Slieve Bloom Mountains is the small Methodist Church located at Ballyhuppahaun, a remote isolated region, which is devoid of any major concentration of buildings or habitation. This was built in 1795 and in that year 150 people gathered to hear Adam Averell (1754–1847), a prominent Irish Wesleyan clergyman preach. He returned again three years later this time accompanied by Charles Graham . They found the countryside strangely deserted, but this was 1798 (the year of the rising / insurrection), and they thought that many of the inhabitants had gone to join the insurgents. There were however a sufficient number remaining in the area to form a large congregation to hear the two evangelists preach. There still exists a Church on this site which is credited with a building date of 1848, which suggests a reconstruction or restoration on the original site at that time. This Church is now on the National Heritage List off preserved Buildings.
Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian community started in Mountmellick around 1710, the initially small community held their meetings at a house in Patrick Street. The rebellion of 1798 scattered Presbyterians and Mountmellick among other congregations became extinct. In 1820 a Mission Station was established in Mountmellick which after a time discontinued, it was however re-established in 1826 under the leadership of the Reverent Alexander Millwaine. Over the next twenty years the fortunes of the church were mostly in decline until 1845 when the congregation was reformed and revived under the care of the Reverent David Greer who founded a first class classical and mercantile school in the town. He resigned in 1849 and once again Mountmellick became a mission station under the care of Reverent Henry McManus, a fluent Irish speaker who had served in Kerry but for Health Reasons has moved North to Mountmellick. During his Ministry the present church building was established. The plans for the Presbyterian Church were drawn up by a local architect and a member of the congregation Murdock Campbell, (Free of charge) who was also responsible for the follies in the grounds of the now famous Ballyfin Demesne, (now a World Famous Hotel) such as the round tower and the caves at the lakeside. Judge Gibson who was also a member of the congregation used his influence to procure a site for the church and manse in the centre of the town. A building fund was established. The foundation stone for the new church was laid on the 6th of September 1853 by Mr William Todd (Builder) in the presence of the Murdock Cambell and the then Minister Henry McManus. The Church was opened on the 27th August 1854 by Dr Morgan of Fisherwick Church, Belfast who also preached the first sermon to a packed audience. The cost of the church and manse were just over one thousand pounds. Just three years later in 1857, Minister Mc Manus declared the building free from all debt.
In the intervening years the congregation declined along with the industrial decline within the area. In more recent years the numbers declined to such an extent that they were unable to sustain the church and its by now costly upkeep, and it fell into disrepair. A decision was taken to sell the Church and its Manse which was taken over by a local entrepreneur Eugene Conroy who with the support of Laois Partnership Group carried out extensive works on the buildings, and in the process retained as many of the original features as possible. Both buildings have protected structured status and have been sympathetically redeveloped with modern conveniences and amenities to provide a high standard of budget accommodation known as The Forum Hostel. This restored building is now used by the many visitors to Mountmellick. The Original commemorative plaque found buried in the foundations during the restoration process, is now on display in The Forum Hostel.
The Presbyterian congregation continues to worship and hold their services in the Methodist Church.
Thank you for joining me this week.
Anne Sands.
A message from our Chairperson.
Greetings again all Friends of Mountmellick Embroidery Museum and welcome to another Article relevant to our local Museum and History. We hope that wherever you are reading this that you, your family and friends are staying safe and looking forward and planning for Post Covid-19 activities as restrictions here are starting to ease. This is now our eight article and we are delighted with the growing interest and readership generated to date, thank you for the positive comments and feedback received. Just to note that all articles written to date are available on both our Mountmellick Development Website and our Facebook Page, feel free to share with any friends who you feel may be interested in them, and perhaps that you might consider a visit to our Museum in the future when normality has resumed. For ease of reference the previous articles are as follows:
Week one Initial Introduction by Ann Dowling Chairperson – (2) History of Samplers on Display by Marie Walsh – (3) Beale Family by Bridie Dunne – (4) Local Churches in Mountmellick by Ann Sands – (5) Industries in Mountmellick by Ger Lynch – (6) Embroidery Collaboration with Dress Designers by Marie Walsh – (7) Key Milestones in local History and the Revival of Mountmellick Embroidery by Ann Dowling. (8) The Voyage of the Inconstant by Ger Lynch.
One of the common threads that ran through almost all the previous articles was the effect of the famine (Gorta Mor or Great Hunger) on every aspect of life during the 1840’s and 50’ie. Coinciding with National Famine Remembrance Day which occurred last Sunday here in Ireland, this week’s article by one of our local fountains of knowledge Ger Lynch tells the story of those girls transported from Mountmellick Work House on the Ship “Inconstant “to Australia during this tragic period in our History.
Ann Dowling
Over to you Ger.
The Voyage of the Inconstant
Before I tell the tale of the voyage of the Inconstant and the 22 girls from Mountmellick who travelled on board it to Australia during the famine, I should give you some idea of the circumstances that brought this about.
Under the 1839 Irish Poor Law Act, over 130 workhouses were built in Ireland. The building of Mountmellick Workhouse commenced in 1842 and the first inmates were admitted in August 1845. It was what they called a medium workhouse and it was built to accommodate 800 people, during the famine the number housed there was over 1600. These workhouses have been described as ‘the most feared and hated institutions ever established in Ireland’.
During the famine period all workhouses became overcrowded and the large number of young female inmates for whom they had no work became a problem. Meanwhile the lack of young females had become a problem to the development of Australia. Earl Grey, who was the home secretary in England at the time noted this and proposed a scheme which would send young girls from the workhouse in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland to Australia. This was to be known as the Earl Grey Scheme. On account of the desperate conditions which existed in Ireland at the time this proved to be the better of two evils for them and the Irish girls were the only ones with a few exceptions to avail of this scheme.
In all, between the years 1848 and 1850, 4,114 Irish girls were transported on over 20 different ships to Australia. Sixty eight girls from Abbeyleix and Mountmellick workhouses travelled to Australia on board eight different ships.
- Lady Peel (2 girls) arrived in Sydney on the 3rd of July 1849
- William and Mary (17 girls) arrived in Sydney on the21st of November 1849
- Lismoyne (10 girls) arrived on Melbourne on the 2nd of November 1849
- Tippoo Saib (13 girls) arrived in Sydney on the 29th of July 1850
- Maria (19 girls) arrived in Sydney on the 1st of August 1850.
- Lady Kenway (1 girl) arrived in Port Philip on the 6th of December 1848
- Pemberton (6 girls) arrived in Port Philip on the 14th of May 1849
- Inconstant with 22 unnamed girls from Mountmellick arrived in Adelaide on the 14th of May 1849
These ships were not like the coffin ships which brought Irish people to America and Canada during the famine in fact they were the opposite authorities here and in England wished to have the girls well-presented and well-nourished on arrival in Australia and they issued orders that they were to received three meals a day on board ship and they were to be respected at all times. Their health and educational skills were to be improved on board ship and to achieve this a surgeon superintendent and head matron a number of sub matrons and a school teacher were appointed to each ship.
In January 1849 Lieutenant Henry of the colonial and emigration services visited Mountmellick to select girls for the Earl Grey Scheme. The girls would have been presented with a travel box for their journey which would have contained the following
6 shifts 1 shawl 2 pairs of shoes 2 gowns
2 wraps 2 petticoats 1 cloak 2 neck handkerchiefs
2 pockets handkerchiefs 2 linen collars 2 aprons 1 pair of stays
1 pair of mitts 1 pair of sheets 1 bonnet Day and night caps
2 towels 2 bars of soap Brushes Needles and thread
A bible A prayer book A rosary A small sum of money
For these girls, some of whom may not have owned a pair of shoes, this made them better off than they had ever been in their lives. The box and its contents had to be paid for by the local board of Guardians, they also paid for the girl’s passage to Plymouth. The cost of transporting the girls from England to Australia was borne by the British Government.
In memory of those orphan Girls transported under the Earl Grey Scheme, the National Committee for the Commemoration of Irish Famine Victims and the Irish Prison Service, have collaborated on a project over the last six years to make replicate travel boxes. These replicated Travel Boxes (only one original travel box exists which is on display in a Sydney museum) are made in Arbour Hill Prison and great credit is due to the Staff and Offenders for not just the detailed historical research but the level of detail engraved on each box manufactured. Each of the twenty-four boxes made to date tells its own unique story of either one girl or a group of girls who travelled under this scheme. I am informed that it takes approximately fourteen weeks to complete each replicate Travel Box. These boxes are now to be found in museums both at home and abroad including Aras an Uachtarain (President of Ireland’s Residence), United Nations Building in New York, Jennie Johnson Famine Ship, Dunbrody Ship, and many other local Museums in Ireland, Australia and the USA. We were privileged to receive one of these boxes into our Museum in a presentation performed by the Minister for Justice Charles Flanagan on the 19th May 2019.
The young girl highlighted on our replicate travel box who was chosen at random from the 92 girls who travelled from Laois is Mary Miller, who arrived in Sydney onboard the Tippoo Saib on the 29th of July 1850. Our travel box features a photo of Mary, her daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter.
So what happened to Mary Millar after she arrived in Sydney.
You can imagine our amazement when by sheer coincidence a lady and her husband from Australia arrived in our Museum seeking information on a Mary Miller. This lady, Lou Walsh turned out to be the great great great granddaughter of Mary Miller. For the story of that trip, her journey back to take part in presentation of the famine box and the complete story of Mary Miller, Lou Walsh has kindly agreed to draft a piece in the coming weeks which we will happily publish and in doing so complete her story. We are all looking forward to that.
The Voyage Begins
We do not know how the girls were transported to Dublin Port from Mountmellick. We know that they left Dublin for Plymouth onboard the steamer ‘Devonshire’ soon after the 7th of February 1849. The journey must have been rough for we have a report that they arrived in Plymouth in a distressed state. On arrival they would have been taken to a holding area, which was surrounded by high walls, to keep them separated from the local population who feared they would contract fever and disease from these girls.
When all the girls that were booked to travel were assembled in Plymouth, they boarded the Inconstant on the 15th of February 1849. They set sail for Adelaide in Australia. These young girls came from the following workhouses, Newcastle (18), Mullingar (40), Tullamore (18), Mountmellick (22), Parsonstown (30), Limerick (24), Tipperary (22) and North Dublin Dublin (12). In total there were one hundred and eighty-six Irish girls.
The Master of the vessel was Patrick Culliton, the first mate was Garrick Barry, and Doctor Charles Watkins was the surgeon superintendent. Mrs Catherine (Kate) Moran was the head matron. The sub matrons were Eliza Barlow, Eliza Brady, Emily Gregory and Mrs Clarissa Kelly, her daughter Mary Ann Cummins was the nurse. Richard Cummins was listed as a constable.
On arrival in Adelaide, on the 14th of May 1849, there were allegations of misconduct on the part of the Captain, the Surgeon Superintendent and the Head Matron. There were further allegations by one of the sub matrons Mrs Kelly of great improprieties in connection with the Captain and the Matron, and one of the girls Eliza Taafe was declared insane for reporting some of these alleged improprieties. Although these allegations were not proven there is no doubt that some of the girls aboard the Inconstant were badly treated and suffered sexual abuse. This happened onboard at least three ships which took part in the Earl Grey scheme, this despite an order from the authorities that the girls were to be cared for and treated with respect during the journeys. While in port 11 members of the crew were confined for disobedience that occurred during the voyage.
On the same day that the Inconstant arrived in Adelaide the following appeared in ‘The South Australian Gazette’.
“Applications will be received immediately for orphans expected by the Inconstant and applicants desirous of availing themselves of their services are requested to attend in person or by proxy on the second day after the arrival of the vessel at the office of the secretary native school. It is recommended that the orphans be removed immediately after the arrangements have been made.”
A few days later the following appeared in the local intelligence section of ‘The South Australian Register’.
“On Monday evening an extraordinary procession was seen on the North Terrace Road. 10 drays fully laden with Irish female orphans and their luggage were seen moving along at a brisk pace towards the Native School location, where it is understood they will find temporary asylum. They all seemed warmly and comfortably clad and excited much sympathy.”
We know that most of the Irish girls that were aboard the Inconstant were hired by the colonists but unfortunately some were forced into prostitution and others may have had to resort to it in order to survive. This is borne out by the fact that sixteen of the girls who travelled on the ship were listed as prostitutes in the 1850 Government Register of Adelaide. Nine girls were listed in the South Australian Government Register of Cases of Destitution.
The county and local addresses of the girls was registered when they boarded ship, they also registered the name and addresses of their first employers, which made tracing possible. In the case of the Inconstant, these practises were not observed. This meant, in the case of the Inconstant it was hard to trace the girl’s history after they arrived in Australia. We know with regards to the Inconstant, 5 were traced back to the North Dublin Workhouse and 7 to Parsonstown (Birr). 4 of the girls were traced by family historians.
Some of the Inconstant girls fell on hard times while others prospered and had good lives relative to their time. The Taafe sisters, Mary and Eliza is a good case in point. They were born in Edenderry, County Offaly. They were the daughters of Joseph Taafe and Ann Cameron. They were all admitted to the North Dublin workhouse in 1848. Both parents died of fever in the workhouse. The daughters travelled to Australia on the Inconstant as already mentioned Eliza was declared insane and her prospects in the colony could not have been great. In contrast Mary married Samuel Dunne and had 14 children. She died in her daughter Rosanna’s house in South Melbourne on June 12th 1923 and was buried in Brighton cemetery, Melbourne. She was 90 years old.
There is a lot more to be said about the fate of the girls who sailed from Ireland aboard the Inconstant and of all the girls who travelled on the Earl Grey Scheme, but space will not permit.
The fate of the Inconstant after it left Adelaide is worth recording. After repairs she left Australia on September 11th 1849 for Callao in Peru with 4 passengers and a cargo of 29 cases of Cavendish Tobacco, 20 skins and 6 cases of Alum. This was a very light cargo so the ship was carrying large stones in its hull for ballast. While sailing into Wellington Harbour in New Zealand in order to replenish the fresh water supplies the ship hit rocks at a place now called ‘Inconstant Point’. The damaged ship was towed to a beach and declared unfit to sail. She was then sold to Mr John Plimmer, an early pioneer who became known as ‘the Father of Wellington’. He had the ship towed into the harbour and docked there for use as a warehouse. The ship eventually became landlocked and was known a ‘Plimmer’s Ark’. In 1883 the warehouse was demolished and the ships ribs were cut down so the National Mutual Life Association head office could be built on the site. In 1997 excavations were carried out at the now ‘Old Bank Arcade’ and remains of the Inconstant were found. Much of the wood was taken away for preservation but her bow is preserved underneath a glass floor. The Inconstant (601 tons) was built in Cape Breton Island in Canada in 1848 and in its short existence was part of the history of Canada, Ireland, England, Australia and New Zealand.
The young girls, who were part of the Earl Grey Scheme, despite the worst possible start and having to overcome prejudice, fear and hardship in Australia, mostly went on to play an important role in the building up of Australia and those who claim to be their descendants do so with great pride and a sense of honour.
Ger Lynch
To all Friends of Mountmellick Embroidery Museum,
Message from Chairperson of Mountmellick Museum,
Welcome to our latest article during the COVID 19 lockdown emanating from our Museum Committee. Thank you for joining us once more, We hope this finds you all well and staying safe, the outlook for a resolution to this crisis appears to be more positive, we all look forward to a reduction in some of the restrictions that we understandably are adhering to at present in the interest of all. Our Museum is eighteen years in existence this year, some of our exhibits are nearly two hundred years old. The application of this craft to create exquisite pieces has proven very resilient in that they are easily adapted and transposed, to compliment more contemporary creations. This week's article (with photographs and video illustrations) written by Museum Committee member Marie Walsh outlines how two of our exhibits were the result of very successive collaborations that incorporates an ancient craft with modern design. Tune in again next week for another museum related article.
Over to you Marie.
Ann Dowling
This week's article brings us back into the museum and relates to two acquisitions on exhibition which are the result of collaboration projects, using heritage craft to inspire creativity in modern design. I refer to two contemporary dresses, designed by top Irish fashion designers and incorporating Mountmellick Embroidery, worked by local embroidery tutor and designer Dolores Dempsey.
The first collaboration was with renowned Laois designer Heidi Higgins. Heidi is an award-winning designer who graduated from NCAD in 2008 and just one year later she proudly introduced her own label to the Irish market. She presents a chic and contemporary label, whose motto represents the ' Heidi ' look perfectly -"elegance with a twist".
So in 2015 we invited Heidi to support the museum in the design of a contemporary creation, incorporating Mountmellick embroidery :- a heritage craft, but very much a living craft. Mountmellick Embroidery came into being in 1825 and although it has stayed pure to its origins, it has evolved over the years for different uses. Heidi chose one of her classically tailored dress patterns, made in a luxurious metallic gold and winter white lame fabric, to reflect the white cotton sateen which has a sheen and the matte thread which are traditionally used in Mountmellick Embroidery. Dolores created a delicate floral and butterfly pattern design for the sleeves and top of dress. The inspiration of unifying this traditional craft with modern dress design brought about this unique creation. The dress was unveiled by Heidi and generously donated to the museum for permanent display, for which we are most grateful.
Our second exhibition dress is the very successful result of a collaboration project in 2018 between The Council of Irish Fashion Designers (CIFD) and The Design and Craft Council of Ireland (DCCoI), of which we are a member. The title of the project was.....' A complimentary meeting of Craft and Design. Heritage and craftsmanship are part of the DNA of the world's leading luxury brands. This season 2018 several CIFD members have collaborated with DCCoI craft persons using heritage skills and methods to provoke and inspire innovation, creativity and design.'
It was our good fortune to be invited by DCCoI to take part in this project and we were partnered with Irish Knitwear Designer Caroline Mitchell from Limerick. Caroline is a graduate of The Limerick School of Art and Design and has been a designer in Limerick city for about 20 years, having worked with Irish and International companies before setting up her own label. Caroline's unique designs feature hand beaded, crochet and embroidered details on easy to wear shapes with a focus on colour, texture and comfort. She specialises in designing for special occasions, Brides, mother of the bride and groom and also stocking several exclusive boutiques with her ready to wear collections. All of her knitwear is designed and made in Limerick.
So Caroline came to visit us in the museum to view and study the collection, and having created her design she sent pieces of knitting and the traditional embroidery fabric for Dolores to embroider with various time honoured patterns and stitches which were then woven with delicate bead work and crochet into the bodice of the dress. The skirt was inspired by the knitted fringing used to trim the edges of the finished traditional embroidery pieces. This stunning dress incorporates knit, crochet, embroidery and bead work inspired by old pieces of embroidery in the museum.
All the creations from this collaboration project were launched at the CIFD show in Dublin which I was delighted to attend with Dolores. Following that show the dress was modelled at London Fashion week and also displayed at The Knit and Stitch Show in RDS, Dublin.
In 2019 Caroline donated the dress to Mountmellick Embroidery and Heritage Museum for permanent exhibition and it was launched here in December 2019.
It was a privilege for the museum committee to be involved in these two collaborations with Heidi, Caroline and Dolores and we very much appreciate their generosity and support. So as previously mentioned these two contemporary creations are on display in a large glass cabinet in the museum as a testament to 'The Living Craft'.
Speaking of which, I am sure many of you are working on your own embroidery creations during this Coronavirus pandemic as you social distance or are cocooning. Perhaps you might record or write ' the story' of your piece and get a photo or two taken as you weave your needle through the fabric of a future family heirloom noting the joy and pleasure in practising this ancient craft, in common with embroiderers over nearly 200 years, often through difficult times. So for the time being, stay home and stay safe and when life returns to normal, or a new normal come and have a look at those two beautiful dresses.
Best Regards,
Friends of Mountmellick Embroidery Museum,
Welcome to week five in our ongoing series of articles on aspects of our local history which have attracted many views. These articles all written by members of our Museum Committee will continue to be published each Friday while our Museum is closed due to Covid 19 restrictions. In that vein, we sincerely hope that you, your family, and friends are keeping well and remaining safe. Please do feel free to share any of these articles with friends who may be interested in the subject matter and we would welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have.
In last week's article, by local historian, Ger Lynch who brought us on a trip down memory lane where he outlined how Mountmellick acquired the name of the "Manchester of Ireland" such was the level of Industry across many diverse enterprises that brought much prosperity to the area in the pre-famine times. Alongside all of these industries, there flourished a number of Churches which catered to the spiritual needs of this growing population.
This weeks article written by Anne Sands a member of our museum Committee outlines the history behind two of the six Churches established in Mountmellick over the last few centuries i.e St' Paul's Church of Ireland, and St Josephs Catholic Church, the history of the remaining churches will be incorporated into future articles in the weeks ahead as space and time permit us. Enjoy, tune in next Friday for another article of interest.
It's over to you Anne.
In these difficult and troubled times, a poet called Parkington has spoken for most of all when he wrote the following,
" I wish there was some wonderful place called the "land of beginning again",
where all-out mistakes and all our heartbreaks and all of the present grief could be dropped like a shabby coat at the door, AND NEVER PUT ON AGAIN.
While each of us would desire a land of "beginning again", we have to be realistic and recognize the present position where we find ourselves RIGHT NOW, its really our door for change and achievement.
"The past is gone, we say, but the future is yet to come, when, in fact, the only part we have is RIGHT NOW TODAY".
For all the bad things currently going on in the world, we must do our best, to focus on the good and count our blessings, as an act of self-care.
History of St Paul’s Church of Ireland Church, Mountmellick
The original Church on this site dates back to 1665 as a ‘Chapel of Ease’ for Rosenallis Parish (an ancient site of Christian worship). The oldest gravestone in the graveyard is dated 1709.
The growth of the town of Mountmellick meant that a new place of worship was needed, and a detached Georgian Gothic Parish Church was erected in 1828, paid for mainly by the Board of First Fruits (a central Church body).
The Church became a Parish in its own right in 1870 and was dedicated to St Paul in the 1950’s.
A changing building:
There are memorials to many of those who made donations over the years.
In 1868, the present Font was donated to the Church while in 1870, major building work was undertaken. This included the building of the Chancel (at the front of the Church), Vestry (robing room for Clergy) and the replacement of the original steeple with a spire. From the outside of the Church, you can see the original side entrance doors to the Church.
You will notice that the pews are numbered, this is a legacy of the times when pews were paid for (the closer the front, the larger the fee!).
The 1890’s saw the addition of both a new brass Lectern (the stand for the Bible) and a Pulpit made of plaster and marble.
The organ was made by Peter Coacher and Co, Dublin in 1903 and an extension was built to for it. The gas lighting was fitted in 1903 and the fittings, which have been retained, provide an interesting feature in the Church. Around this time, the spire was damaged by lightening, you can still see the repairs. The Holy Communion Table and Communion rails were donated in the 1930s. The relief designs on these reflect the designs of local Mountmellick Work (a form of white on white embroidery). Holy Communion cloths were made by a parishioner in Mountmellick Work in the early years of this century and the pew cushions are also a recent addition.
The original parish school and schoolhouse were built in 1848. A new, purpose-built school was built close by in 1976.
A living community:
In 1896, CL Hutchings wrote ‘looking back at Mountmellick in its prosperity, we are reminded of the many industries which from one cause or another have now ceased to exist.’ By the early 20th century, the town had changed from a manufacturing to a commercial town, with many large retailers present on the main street.
These traders and their employees were the backbone of the parish community. Larger retailers all employed staff ‘serving their time’ as apprentices, who lived in accommodation provided. They were often encouraged to sit in the gallery in St Paul’s. The married couples and families tended to sit in the main body of the Church.
The local YMCA Hall (on the site of the old Quaker meeting house) hosted many social entertainments, including legendary dances where many a ‘match’ was made.
The decline of the retail importance of Mountmellick has impacted on our church community today. We continue to take pride in our heritage and look to a new future as God leads.
St. Joseph’s Church, Mountmellick
Date of Church: 1878
Architecht: J.J. McCarthy
Cost: £6,555
Building Pastor: Fr. Thomas Murphy, P.P
The town of Mountmellick is of quite “recent” origin, as it does not appear on the map of Leix and Offally, made c. 1563. Mountmellick became a distinct parish in 1770. In 1776 the town had 508 Catholics. In earlier times Derryguile had a Mass Pit. Prior to the present church, Portnahinch and Ivy Chapel had a church and graveyard while Kilmainham had a still earlier church. Before the building of St. Joseph’s, a church in Graigue (Tullamore road) was in use from 1812. In 1833, the third parish priest of Mountmellick was appointed. He was Rev. Andrew Healy, who introduced the Presentation Sisters in 1854. He was succeeded in 1864 by Rev. Thomas Murphy who was responsible for the building of St. Joseph’s.
St Joseph’s Church was built on a site of which a lifetime lease was obtained from Marquis of Drogheda. It was designed by the Architect J.J. McCarthy and cost £6,555.97 Interior decoration cost £2000, Organ cost £500 and the Altar £100. The first Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Thomas Murphy PP ON Friday 26th July 1878. The Stations of the Cross were installed in 1879, seven of which were donated by Helen Beale of Quaker background.
In 1912 the tower was erected at a cost of £1,400. The clock cost £100 and the bell £112. When the Church was being redecorated and refurbished in 1927 it was examined by Kelly & Jones, Architects, Dublin. They declared that the roof was unsafe as some of the principal rafters on the Epistle side were not resting on the walls. As a result, Iron tees were installed across the Church to secure matters and steel wedges were put under the rafters. In 1965 at a cost of £100,000 the Church was converted from rectangular shape to a cruciform shape, designed by J. R. Boyd Barrett, Architects. The addition compromises a transept, sanctuary, side chapel, sacristies and boiler house. A special feature is the large windows lighting the transept. These windows are cut in limestone with decorative glass in a geometrical pattern. The ceiling is arched and constructed in fibrous plaster. A special feature was made of the crossing of the nave and transept comprising of decorative grained panelling. The new work designed to complement the existing architecture and form one unified design. The official opening was attended by President De Valera
The Church was refurbished in 2006 under the guidance of Mr Eamon Hedderman, Liturgical & Conservation Architect. The sanctuary was extended out into the congregation, completed by marble sourced from Italy to match what was already in place. This was part of the move as a community to celebrate Mass together as opposed to the priest “saying” mass and congregation “hearing” mass. The new altar was constructed using the marble panels from the old pulpit. The ambo and chair were designed to match and compliment the altar. The rails from the old altar were incorporated into the side altars and in St Joseph’s Grotto. The sanctuary lamp dating from 1880’s was restored.
Anne Sands
To all of our Mountmellick Embroidery Museum Friends.
We hope that this finds you, your family and friends safe and well .. We are all in this together.
Continuing our series of articles with links to our Museum and our rich historical past - in last weeks article local historian Bridie Dunne gave a brief summary of Joseph Beale (A Quaker Family) who had such a positive influence on the fortunes and development of Mountmellick prior to the tragic famine of 1845 to 1849. Joseph was one of many prominent individuals whose initiative and foresight brought significant prosperity to our Town which earned it the title of the "Manchester of Ireland". Local Historian and a Director of Mountmellick Development Association (where our Museum is housed) Ger Lynch has rolled back the clock to give us an insight into what was happening in Mountmellick around that time and what contributed to this success, and subsequently its demise. Enjoy the read - more to come next week, do tune in.
Over to you Ger.
Between the years 1821 and 1841 Mountmellick could boast full employment and a level of prosperity which was unknown to most towns in the country by the standard of the time. This was due to the heavy concentration of industries within the town and in locations close by,
When we examine the reason for this it all comes down to our location. The town is located at the lower end of the Owenass River, near where it joins the river Barrow. This location is only 6 miles from the mountain source of the river, this gives rise to a steep gradient which results in the fast flow of water required to turn mill wheels. These are used as a constant source of power in most of our industries. This and the fact that a group of people, mostly but not all Quakers, had the foresight and ability to take advantage of this fact.
Before this period, from 1750-1756, Adam Loftus set up an ironworks on the banks of the Owenass River near where it meets the Barrow, the Cinder Hills). He used the timber from the nearby O’Moore Forest to fuel the furnaces. The ironworks gave great employment at the time and resulted in a large number if crafts people who were to take part in the bit and stirrup industry, which flourished in the town for many years after.
Mills of Mountmellick
We will examine the role of the mills, the drinks industry, the foundry and other small enterprises which contributed to full employment during this era. We will look at the roles of the various mills first.
- Iristown Maltings (malt products). This mill located at Irishtown is said to have originally been an army garrison. It became a woollen factory between the years 1800 and1839, run by William Beale and his son Joseph. During the same period a brewery was also in operation here. This would later become a maltings and Mountmellick Products Ltd refurbished the site in 1945 and began producing malt extract.
- Barkmills. Erected as a woollen mill by Thomas Kemmis in 1827, it was originally run as a spinning and worsted factory by M Beale. It was driven by a 40ft diameter by 5ft wide water wheel believed to be the biggest in Ireland at the time. It was converted to flour milling in 1846 by Joseph Beale, it was also used to grind Indian corn during the famine, and it was reconverted to a woollen mill by James Milner in 1862. The illustration below shows the three-storey mill and the attached two storey dwelling.
- The New Mills. Located in the townland of Drinagh a short distance outside the town, the New Mills was comprised of a wool spinning mill, a weaving factory and a fulling mill. It was destroyed by fire in 1857 and rebuilt in 1858, when it continued as a woollen factory. It was converted to a corn mill in the late 1800’s and was in use as a mineral water bottling plant in the 1900’s. This mill was driven by two mill wheels, a 16ft by 8ft 6in wide mill wheel which drove the spinning mill and a 13ft by 5ft 6in water wheel which drove the fulling mill. Our illustration below indicates the size of this mill.
- The sugar beet factory site located at the rear of the MDA, was first the location of a brewery which was later converted to a woollen factory, both run by Joseph Beale. In the early 1850’s it was converted to become the first sugar beet factory in Ireland. The story of the Sugar Beet factory is well documented. It was powered by two steam engines and ran for ten years, 1852-1862. It was to be part of a national sugar industry, but the rest of the factories did not materialise and the idea had to be abandoned.
- Milners Yard was located off O’Connell Square, the entrance is beside Bella Hairdressing Salon. A cotton weaving factory was established here by John Bewley around 1790, this was converted to a woollen factory in the early 1800’s and taken over by the Milners. There were over 200 looms at this location, and it employed over 400 weavers in addition the factory workers. The woollen mill was driven by a steam engine.
- Mill at the MDA site. This mill was built by William and Joseph Beale and they operated it as a flour mill. It was powered by a 25-horsepower steam engine which drove 6 pairs of flour stones and all the machinery. This was the first steam mill in Ireland, and it operated as such until Joseph’s departure for Australia in 1852. A kiln drying facility was part of this mill this was situated at the end of the building where the present fire escape now exists. There were many owners over the years they included Samuel Shaen, Thomas Neale, Edward Murphy in 1861, James Shean in 1875. Eugene Codd took over in 1886. The premises passed to Rebecca Codd in 1936 and Charles Connor in 1938, it subsequently was taken over by the Odlums Group who carried out major refurbishment. Irish Grain took charge in 1956. The MDA purchased the premises in 1989. It is now the headquarters of the MDA complex.
- Manor Mills. This was built by Robert Kenny in 1823. It was a flour or corn mill driven by a mill wheel 10ft in diameter and 10ft 6in wide. James Shaen owned it in 1851. It was used as a sawmill in 1913 and operated by John Guest until 1919. It was acquired by is present owners the Wall Family in 1931.
- Ennis Mills. This mill was housed in a building that was part of the Conroy Distillery, it was run by a mill wheel 12ft in diameter and 4ft wide. It was built originally as a malt mill and was taken over by Humprey Smith and used to
- scotch flax. In the 1960’s it was taken over by Ennis’s as a provender mill and powered electrically.
The Drinks Industry
Conroy’s Distillery. Located on the site where St Joseph’s Church and the Convent now stand, it was owned by Edward and John Conroy and when at peak production it produced 120,000 gallons of whiskey a year. It operated from 1831 and due to a lawsuit, which resulted in the removal of a weir on the River Owenass, which affected production, it closed somewhere between 1846 and 1850.
The following breweries operated in Mountmellick during the 1800’s.
- Gatchell’s Brewery. It was located in the site of Harrington’s betting shop, Tom and Vrons Bar and Comerford’s vegetable shop. Nathan Gatchell was also involved in woollen manufacturing and is reputed to have owned Smith’s field as well as the site of the Community School.
- Beale’s Brewery. This was located in church Lane, the site of the sugar factory. It was run by Joseph Beale and when he came under the influence of Father Matthew the temperance priest, he closed the brewery and changed it to woollen manufacturing.
- Kenny’s Brewery. This brewery was located on the site of Irishtown Maltings and was owned by Robert Kenny, who built Manor Mills. The brewery operated in tandem with the woollen mill that was on the same site from 1800-1839.
- Tierney’s Brewery. This brewery was located on the site that is now the Macra na Feirme hall. It was used for mineral water production by Sean O’Higgins prior to the hall being built.
- Conroy’s Brewery. Located in O’Connell Square at the rear of Butch’s bar, it is safe to assume that was the same Conroy’s that owned the distillery as it closed about the same time.
- Pim’s Brewery. This was located on the left-hand side of Avonmore yard. It was founded by Anthony Pim and was continued on by his sons Thomas and Samuel after his death in 1842. Our illustration gives some idea of the size and capacity of this venture.
There was a brewery located at the rear of the Community Art’s Centre on Slaughterhouse Lane. It may have been owned either by James Calcutt or Arthur Peacock.
Miscellaneous Industries
- Hibernian Foundry. Thomas and David Robert’s were two brothers who came from Anglesea in Wales to Mountmellick to erect an engine in Conroy’s Distillery. While in Mountmellick they set up an iron and brass foundry. The foundry produced steam engines, locomotives and machinery. It employed up to 40 people. The opening of this foundry in 1834 coincided with the railway boom in England. The foundry was still in operation till 1909.
- Pim’s Tannery. The tannery was located at the lower end of the Avonmore site. A water powered pump supplied water to it from the Owenass River. It was in operation until the early 1900’s.
- Glass Bottle Factory. This was located at the rear of Danny Williams’s house, present owner Noel Ryan. Some of these bottles made clever use of a glass alley to open and seal them.
- Sawmills. A sawmill existed in Bridge Street in the late 1800’s.
- Starch Works. Thomas Pim operated a starch works for many years at the rear of number 3 Upper Market St, a house that is currently occupied by Sinead Boyd. Blue was also manufactured here.
- Pim’s Tobacco Factory. This was located at the rear of Pim’s old shop (now Coss’s) and operated in the early part of the 19th century.
- Soap. Glue, candles and blue were all manufactured in premises at the rear of Ivor Cox’s shop during the 19th century.
- Weaving was carried out in many locations, Milner’s, New Mills, Graigue, Irishtown and other locations. The mill owners arranged training for private dwellers so many looms were set up in farmhouses and cottages. This provided a second income and, in some cases, could be operated by young girls.
- Pottery. William Fletcher made crocks and milk pans in Graigue in the early 1800’s.
- Salt. George R Penrose ran a salt manufacturing business in Main street in the 1840’s and 50’s.
The population in Mountmellick in 1841 was 4,755. This was greatly increased when people came in from the countryside, surrounding towns and villages to work in the town. To satisfy the needs of this population and workforce Mountmellick needed to have a good system of trade and service in place. If we look at the commercial directory of 1846, we will get some idea of the services available.
Academies and Schools. 7
Apothecaries. 2
Attorneys 2
Bakers. 9
Banks 1
Blacksmiths. 6
Book Seller and Printer. 1
Earthenware Dealers. 3
Grocers. 9
Gunsmiths. 2
Hotels. 2
Iron Founder. 1
Iron Mongers and Hardware Men. 6
Leather Sellers. 3
Linen, Drapers and Haberdashers. 17
Maltsters. 2
Millers. 3
Painters and Glaziers. 4
Pawnbrokers. 2
Boot and Shoe Makers. 11
Brewers. 1
Butchers. 4
Cabinetmakers. 3
Carpenters. 2
Chemists, Druggists and Oil and Colour Men. 2
Clothes Dealers. 3
Coopers. 3
Cotton and Linen Manufacturers. 4
Physicians and Surgeons. 3
Provision Dealers. 4
Provision Merchant. 1
Public Houses. 19
Milliners. 1
Saddlers. 2
Starch and Glue Manufacturers. 1
Straw Bonnet Makers. 2
Tailors. 3
Tallow Chandeliers and Soap Boilers. 3
Tanners. 1
Timber Merchants. 3
Watch and Clock Makers. 2
Woollen Manufacturers. 2
Wine Merchants. 1
Emigrant Agent 1
RIC Barracks
Revenue Police Station
Excise Office
Court Clerk
Stamp Office
Clerk of the Union
Commission Clerk
Flour Factor
Professor of Music
Union Workhouse
Union Workhouse Master
The advent of the steam engine meant that mills and other industries could be located close to ports, or areas of dense population or any other area deemed suitable. No longer had them to be located near to the source of waterpower. This led to the decline of industry in Mountmellick,
I think it is clear from the above the title ‘Manchester of Ireland’ was not misplaced. Our people who lived through prosperous era did not realise that the famine lay ahead of them but unlike the present pandemic there was a simple cure as there was plenty of food in the country but there was no profit to be made supplying food to the poor and hungry. It is nice to look back on the past, but life must be lived in the present. As a people we must remain united against this virus and till we can all do again things that we used to take for granted, let us wish well to all our essential workers fighting this pandemic in any way. In the meantime, stay in, stay healthy and be there at the end of it all.
Ger Lynch
Greetings to all our readers and Museum followers and we hope that this finds you all well and staying safe. In last week's article on the Museum, the author Marie Walsh wrote about the two samplers on display in our Museum and their very interesting history. She mentioned that one of the samplers was given to her by Bronwyn Mutton from Perth Australia in 2014. Bronwyn is the great great Grand daughter of Joseph Beale whose Quaker family history is linked with Mountmellck in so many ways. The article that follows written by local historian Bridie Dunne gives a brief history of the Beale family. If interested the full history of this remarkable family written by Bridie is available from the Museum.
Enjoy and tune in again next week for another article of interest about out Museum.
The story of Joseph Beale (1801-1857)
The first Quaker to arrive in Mountmellick was William Edmundson who settled in Rosenallis near Mountmellick in 1659. He was accompanied by a group of young Quakers from the North, including Thomas Beale, his wife and son Joshua. The Beale family line continued in Mountmellick with john, another Joshua and William who was born in Annagrove in 1765 in the house that was built by Thomas Beale. William and his father were cotton manufacturers in Irishtown. William died in 1818 and his sons Joseph aged seventeen and his brother William aged thirteen helped their mother to manage the business. When Joseph assumed ownership, he diversified into wool, brewing and flour milling. Joseph became an expert in wool and traded with France and England. His reputation stood high in business and in the community generally. At age 25 he married Elizabeth Lecky from Cork. Sometime after their marriage, Joseph was obliged to travel on business to England in 1825. After his departure, Elizabeth became very ill with measles and died after the birth of her daughter before the anticipated period. She was buried in the Friends Burial Ground in Rosenallis. Joseph arrived home a widower and father of a baby daughter Elizabeth. He was now 24 years old. Five years later he went to Enniscorthy on business where he met Margaret Davis, a beautiful girl who was well educated in the Quaker Boarding School in Mountmellick. She had knowledge of Latin and Greek and later had the ability to run schools. The couple married in Enniscorthy in 1832 and Margaret settled into Annagrove House where she established a lifelong close bond with her seven-year-old stepdaughter Elizabeth. Joseph, in 1836, built a large house “Derrycappagh” to accommodate his growing family. Their second child died in infancy and in 1843, croup killed two of their baby sons in five days. Derrycappagh the once pleasant happy home became a sad and lonely place. Joseph, Margaret and their family moved to Monordreigh near Barkmills, two miles from Mountmellick, where Joseph owned a house and mills. The children were happy there listening to the cheerful sounds of the mill stones grinding and looking at the machinery at work. In 1848 another child died in infancy. Four of their children were now dead. When grain was available, the mill ground Indian corn to feed the starving people. Joseph Beale continued to provide employment unprofitably as long as he could and keep his mills going. Margaret was a skilled embroiderer and set up a cottage industry where she taught women to create embroidery pieces that she and her friends could sell to help the poorest women and girls. The embroidery was called Mountmellick Work and is known and practiced throughout the world. Margaret set soup kitchens with the help of her daughters and these Quaker kitchens became the model for use throughout the island. The Quakers contribution extended far beyond their relative numbers, about 3,000 in all. They succeeded in distributing £200,000 worth of relief throughout the country. The years since the famine dragged on and Joseph decided to emigrate to Australia where the wool industry was thriving. Margaret and the younger children were to remain with hope of selling Monordreigh. Joseph, his son Joseph 16 and Francis 15 together with Joseph’s faithful servant Dan Kennedy and Dan’s son James sailed on “The Sarah Sands” from Queenstown to Melbourne on 28th September 1852 and arrived in Melbourne on Christmas Day 1852 and in December 1854 Margaret and her six children, with her faithful nurse maid Mary Brophy and Mary’s daughter Charlotte sailed on The Eagle from Liverpool to Melbourne arriving in April 1855.It was indeed, and to quote Margaret’s words, it was a very happy meeting. Sadly, Joseph died suddenly after attending the Quaker meeting house only two years after their reunion.
The book “Joseph Beale, the reluctant immigrant from Mountmellick to Melbourne” published in September 2019 tells the story of the journey through the lives of Joseph and Margaret and their children and some of their grandchildren. It also includes the contents of the twelve letters which Joseph writes to Margaret while on board ship and after his arrival in Melbourne. The book is available through the Museum.
The museum has a display of Mountmellick embroidery, both original and contemporary pieces. Classes and workshops are available on request. Materials and copies of original patterns are for sale. Guided tours are also available.
Needlework Samplers
The word ' sampler ' comes from the Latin ' exemplum ', meaning example. Many think of samplers as decorative items, however their original purpose was practical - used to learn and record stitches and patterns. Commonly cotton and silk thread on linen, they were kept rolled up in a work basket to be referenced when a stitcher wanted to create bed hangings, curtains, or anything requiring embroidery. The earliest known English sampler is housed in the V&A museum and dated 1598. By the mid 18th century samplers had become a way of displaying skills; this is when they began to be framed and hung on walls, and by the 19th century had become educational tools used to demonstrate sewing skills. There are some priceless collections in the UK., and those with great provenance command great value.
(above article from Antiques Journal, Period Living magazine, March 2020.)
In our museum we exhibit two samplers, one with a very detailed provenance.
It is of a rare map of Europe, embroidered in 1805 by Hannah Davis of Enniscorthy. This sampler was given by Hannah to her niece, Margaret (Davis) Beale who was married to Joseph Beale of Mountmellick.
Following the famine and the failure of Joseph's mills, he left Ireland in 1852 with his two eldest sons for Australia. He was followed two years later by Margaret and the rest of the children on the Steam Ship 'Eagle' 1854.
In 2014 Margaret's great great granddaughter, Bronwyn Mutton, from Capel, near Bunbury, approximately 200k south of Perth, donated the sampler to our Museum, and was received from her in person by me, as I was visiting Perth in March of that year.
We have the details of all the family history, and the remarkable journey of this 215-yr. old (in 2020) treasure to relate to all our museum visitors. We assured Bronwyn that it will now survive by being exhibited and preserved for the future generations of both locals and visitors alike, to view, appreciate and learn its story ,to which Bronwyn replied,'' the Sampler is a very small package of outstanding work, hope it now gets more of the recognition and admiration it deserves.''
We were looking forward to welcoming Bronwyn and two cousins to Mountmellick on 29th. May 2020, however due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they have sadly cancelled their trip. She did visit us in 2007 with her aunt Margaret and was so looking forward to her return visit. Hopefully it may work out in the future, and in the meantime, we send her and all our museum friends in Australia, our best regards and best wishes for good health during these uncertain times.
We look forward to welcoming visitors back to the museum and relating all our 'stories' in the near future.
Marie Walsh

To all people who enjoy Craft – History – Unique Personal Stories
Firstly, on behalf of Mountmellick Museum Committee can I welcome you and thank you for visiting our Museum website. In these challenging times, we send you every good wish and hope that you and your family and friends remain safe, we would ask you continue to follow Official Government Guidelines during the currency of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together and each of us has a role to play.
In compliance with Government Guidelines, you will be aware that our Embroidery Museum is closed until deemed safe to reopen. While necessary this is unfortunate and has resulted in the cancelation of several planned tours (included Three Knit and Stitchers groups from USA and two groups from within Ireland) which were scheduled to arrive in April and May. It has also been necessary to postpone the planned Embroidery Competition until later in the year. In that regard we had also planned to welcome Deborah Love, our very first Embroidery Competition Winner, who was traveling from Brisbane Australia and was scheduled to announce this year's winner but unfortunately her travel plans fell victim to COVID -19. Deborah who has visited Mountmellick in the past (Pre-opening of Museum) and did part-take in embroidery classes with Sr. Theresa Margaret, who people will be aware was responsible for the revival of this unique Irish craft in the late 1970s and eighties. Looking forward to seeing Deborah in Mountmellick later in the year. I had the pleasure of meeting Deborah at her home on a trip to Australia in 2018 and viewing her many pieces of Mountmellick Embroidery, she also donated a piece of her work which is on display in our museum.
Given that people are confined to their homes during the present crisis, this could be an opportunity for stitchers to start a new embroidery piece for this competition, or if a beginner learn more about this unique craft. All requests for information, craft material, designs, books etc. received by the Museum Staff will be processed expediently and forwarded as soon as the present restrictions allow. Museum e-mail address are and
Another planned visit affected by COVID-19 is that of Bronwyn Mutton, the Great Great Grand Daughter of Joseph Beale, a Quaker family inextricable linked to the history and fortunes of Mountmellick in the pre and post-famine era. His story alone is worth reading. Book by local author “The reluctant Emigrant “by Bridie Dunne is available from the Museum shop.
Some of you may have visited our Museum in the past and viewed the exquisite display of both old and contemporary embroidery pieces, in addition, you will have been informed of the rich Quaker and Industrial heritage which is so relevant to the history of the area.
While you can get a flavour of what the Museum has to offer by visiting the Website, we on the Museum Committee wish to bring some of the more important aspects of the Museum and what it has to offer to you the reader.
Towards that end and for the duration of the Museum Closure an article will be published each week on our Website which hopefully will broaden your knowledge of some aspect of the Museum and our local history. We also would also love to receive any feedback/comments, positive or negative/observations or even your own stories from any of our readers on any aspect of what they have seen or experienced themselves.
Please tune in to our Website over the coming weeks where you will I believe enjoy the topics we have on offer.
Finally, just to send you all our very best wishes, stay safe and keep well.
Kind regards,
Ann Dowling
Mountmellick Museum