Welcome again all friends of Mountmellick Embroidery and Heritage Museum. We hope that this finds you all well, remaining safe and busy preparing for Christmas.
As the year end approaches it is a time for us to reflect on what was a challenging but also rewarding year for our Museum. While in the interest of staff and visitor safety it is closed at present, our dedicated committee continued in their efforts to further improve the visitor experience, which we are so looking forward to showing off when safe to do so, (see previous articles on enhancements completed in recent months). We would like to thank the many people from around the world who sent us good wishes, queries, or ordered materials or books from our online shop which remains open, we are always delighted to hear from you.
While restricted capacity, but in line with Government Guidelines we did manage to host a few events safely during the year and mark some special anniversaries, please see below some photographs and refer to earlier articles. We hope you enjoyed our Culture Night Video shown on the 21st September on YouTube, and thank you for the many positive comments received following its launch, (link is attached in case you missed it). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybuioCqC1hE
On another extremely positive note, we would like to tell you about a very exciting acquisition we have recently acquired for our display. This is the Goodbody Quilt which is believed to have been embroidered for the wedding of Lydia Pim and Jonathan Goodbody in 1889, both of whom had Mountmellick Ancestry. Following contact by our committee with Rob Goodbody in January of this year, agreement was reached to lodge this priceless heirloom with our Museum. The Quilt was brought to the Museum by Rob and his wife Ingrid on the 13th of July this year. It was inspected and installed by textile conservator Rachel Phelan the same day which happened to be Rob’s mothers birthday. The quilt was officially launched on Thursday 30th of September to a covid restricted audience which included Charles Flanagan TD, Michael Parsons, chair of Heritage Council, Kilkenny, Mary Whelan DCCI, Eddie Shanahan C.I.F.D, Muireann Ni Chonaill, Laois Arts Officer, Dr Pat McBride, Paper Conservator, Rachel Phelan, textile Conservator, Martina Lewis Emo Court, Dan Bergin Laois PPN, Sean Murray Laois Heritage Society, Museum Committee, Rev. Michael Murphy PP, MDA Board of Directors and staff.
The Goodbody Quilt, donated by Rob Goodbody and his siblings to Mountmellick Embroidery and Heritage Museum. Launched by Rob Goodbody, with his wife Ingrid and his brothers Owen and Jonathan in attendance.
For now, can we just wish each and every one of you a very peaceful happy and safe Christmas, with every good wish for 2022.
Marie Walsh - Ann Dowling
Museum Committee.
Design & Craft Council Ireland
Council of Irish Fashion Designers
Clodagh & John Grubb
Sr. Teresa Margaret McCarthy
Sr Teresa Margaret Convent Group
Collaboration with Yarn Bombing Mountmellick for Culture Night 2021
Mountmellick Embroidery Studio Class with Embroidery Wreath made for Culture Night 2021
Mountmellick Embroidery collaboration wreath
Inspiration for Mountmellick Embroidery
"I am the Sewing Girl" mural at Mountmellick Embroidery and Heritage Museum
Rob Goodbody unveiling The Goodbody Quilt
Jonathan, Owen, Rob & Ingrid Goodbody
Rob Godbody and Ann Dowling
The Goodbody Quilt Launch